December 24th, 3:08 pm

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December 24th, 3:08 pm


Hey princey

What's up?

This isn't your prince


I stole his phone, and he said I could unlock it and talk to whoever I wanted.


for one, he's not my prince

I don't even know him

and 2nd

Who r u?

I'm Valerie!

Oh ur the Cinderella chick?

That's me!

He told you about me?


He told me that u guys r taking dance lessons w ur art teacher

Oh yeah! She's cool.

Princey loves being in ITW, he is so excited for everything

I know! He's a great partner. Your bf is an amazing actor!

I can only imagine


Nonono he is not my bf I'm sorry I didn't read that fully

Sure ;)

Im not lying

It's ok, Anxiety. You don't have to hide it from me. It's so obvious

What do u mean?

"Princey" talks about you nonstop


Yeah! How do you think I know that he calls you Anxiety?


He is always making remarks to me about how you'd be perfect for the big bad wolf part, or how he's always texting you in rehearsal.

I mean... we r best friends

Mhm. Sure.

He is not my boyfriend!

Whatever you say, Anxiety. ;)

You guys are honestly so cute. You should see prince whenever his phone buzzes. He will drop everything to check it to see if its you.

He won't be able to focus for the rest of the scene until he checks it.

How do u know that he's checking 4 me? Isn't he super popular?

He is. But, whenever he checks he's disappointed and doesn't respond. Only when it's you does he smile and send a reply. He's had full conversations with you while in the wings.

How do u know?

I play Cinderella! We very rarely have a scene where we aren't together, so I stand with him a lot.

I see

So don't try to hide it, Anxiety!

I swear we aren't dating

*gasp* You guys need a ship name!

no, we don't

Prince and Anxiety



Ok very funny, but plz stop


Oh I like that one.

R u even listening to me?


Mm no I like Pranx better


Oh that's the one. I like that one.


Yep! See? You like it!

No I don't. we aren't dating.

Prinxiety forever!

I have a bf u know

You do?


What's his name?


Well screw Logan! Prinxiety all the way!


You're just in denial.

Ah your prince is back!


Whatever, Valerie.

Ok have fun with my prince


Whatever you say, Anxiety.


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