Wattpad Anniversary

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Hi guys! (I'm posting this on all my larger books so I'm sorry for those of you who are getting this like, 6 times)

So my one year Wattpad anniversary is today (September 14th), and I've been posing the question regarding what I should do. I've gotten a lot of Q&A requests. So... I suppose I could do that. It would just be me, answering questions. Because I don't want to write out a whole Q&A chapter, I'm just going to say that you can ask me anything in the comments of this chapter, and I'll respond honestly. However it will just be in the comments. Cool beans?

Also, I've decided that I'm going to start a book, called "Cover Requests". A lot of you have asked how/what I use to make my covers. (It's PicCollage). But, I've also had a few people ask for help actually making said cover. So, in honour of my anniversary, I'm starting a book where you can request covers for your book. It'll be up soon, and there will be details regarding the rules around requests and such. But, for now, I thought I'd at least announce it.

Sorry this isn't super enthusiastic or whatever. (As I normally am) I helped Sara move out of the hospital last night (she got cleared to leave, finally!) and I'm tired. Also it's Friday morning and I can't. But I wanted to be on time at least once. So.... 👍👍👍

That's all. Thank you guys for 430+ followers! And thank you to all my readers who don't have an account on Wattpad but read anyway. Also, as much as I hate to say this, I'm one follower away from 440... so I mean... if you haven't followed already, and you want to... the door is open.... yeah.

Okay that's all, thank you! Fill this chapter with all the questions you would like to ask. Anything. Bring it on.

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