June 19th, 1:37 am

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June 19th, 1:37 am


Where'd you go?

I'm out on the front porch.

Oh, why?

Couldn't sleep.

Oh okay.

You want me to come out there?

U can if u want.

It's kinda chilly tho

Can I steal one of your hoodies, then?

Uh... ya sure. There should be a black one on the floor by the foot of my bed

Okay I see it.

Come on out

Maybe we can talk a bit w/o my dad fawning over us the whole time.

Yeah, okay.

I don't mind though. I love your dad.

Ya he's basically a human teddy bear

Lol yeah basically.

R u coming or what?


Can we snuggle?

Uh, ya. Ok sure.

Yay! Cuddles ^w^

But seriously do u not know how to zip up a hoodie?

What's taking u so long?

Lol I'm coming, I'm coming. I got lost.

Lost? Lost how?

Went down one flight of stairs to many

Omg Roman.

Okay okay

Found the front door.

Screw it I'm not putting on my shoes.

I didn't either

Found you!

I wasn't hiding???


So I said that after the book was over, I'm going to write (actually fully write) a couple scenes that take place in this book. Ones you don't see, but are talked about. So. I have come to a decision regarding a few of them.


1. Virgil and Roman meet face to face

2. Virgil meets Roman's friends

3. Virgil coming out on Christmas (People want a Patton scene)

Those scenes are, and will, be written and posted after this book is over. I decided to remove the "Roman and his dad" scene because I want to develop that relationship more later. But, I will write up to five scenes total. So, you guys are welcome to comment which other two scenes you want to see, along with the three I've listed above.

So... what other scenes do you want to see? If I don't get enough suggestions, then I'll just stick with these three.

Also 80k+ reads, you guys!!!! Thank you!!!

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