March 19th, 3:14 am

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March 19th, 3:14 pm



Sorry for decking out earlier

Why do you always do that?

What do u mean?

Every time something happens, that makes you a little anxious, you disappear and never text me back!

Why do you do that?

Like now, for instance. Don't do this Anxiety, get back in here right now.

Anxiety I'm serious, I will block you.

Woah why r u so mad?

I'm just frustrated because it's always the same thing! I'll try to be honest and open with you, and you just pull your disappearing act, and it hurts! It hurts every time but I never say anything because I'm trying to respect you. But I feel like I'm chasing you all the time!

I'm sorry, Roman

You're obviously not all that sorry otherwise you'd be honest with me


Then tell me why you left me standing at that door.

Because I don't want to ruin this

Whatever this is

How would you ruin it?

Because you would hate me if you knew who I am.

Are you my cousin?


Then... Why does it matter?

Trust me

It just matters

Please, whoever you are, Anx, we can figure this out. I promise.

Don't make promises u can't keep

Anx plz just tell me who you are...

Why do u care? Our relationship is good the way it is. U know me, whether or not u know the name attached.

Why do I care?

I care because I still like you, okay? I didn't get over you, and I really really like you. But I didn't think it would ever work because I'd never meet you. For a second when I found out that you go to my school, I thought I might have a chance! I like you and I've poured my heart out to you, and you always just disappear!

Don't u get it?

Get what?

I like u too, idiot!!! I like u too much to let u go and I know that u will leave if u know who I am and I know u deserve honesty but I just can't. I'm a fucking coward and I want to hold on to u and the positive memories we have and I can't destroy that I just can't because I'm a FUCKING COWARD AND IM SORRY

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'm sorry

But I'm scared

Anx... don't you see? I like you too! All of this could work out all you have to do is tell me who you are!


Please I promise whatever you're scared of me being upset about, it won't happen.

Even if I am upset it could never compare to the levels of happy feelings I have towards you!

Please, Anx. Please...


I can't, Roman. I'm sorry.

Anxiety, please... <3

I'm sorry

Anxiety it's been 5 months, you can trust me!


No, please don't do this.


Don't do this, please.

Don't disappear.


All of you guys were so mad last chapter XD

Especially when I said that Anx isn't Virgil.

But I'm kidding, of course it's Virgil.

Some of you were t r i g g e r e d XD)
Seriously there were over 340 comments on the last chapter when there's normally like 10

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