The Alters (Will delete later)

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Hey guys, please go check out my book "The Alters" if you haven't already. It's one of my favourite concepts and I've put a lot of thought into it. I'd love to see it do well. Thank you!

Here's the description if you need a little convincing ;)

Patient Name: Thomas Sanders

Age: 29 years

Sex: Male

Height: TBD

Weight: TBD

Behaviour: Thomas exemplifies drastic changes in behaviour, mood, volume of speech, clarity of speech, and mental age levels. He also forgets what happened during certain periods of time. (e.g. he would forget the treatment from the day before) Sometimes, he doesn't respond to his name (Thomas) right away, often requiring physical interaction to prompt a response.

Diagnosis: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)


Thomas Sanders has a mental disorder, known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), though its most commonly known by its former name: Multiple Personality Disorder. This is when a child's brain, after abuse or trauma, splits it's cognizance into two or more states of being/identities, known as Alters. (Alternative Personalities)

Thomas has (including himself) nine total alters, and life with them is... interesting to say the least. How can he love himself, when himself seems to hate him? And if he can't love his own broken parts, is there anyone else who ever will?

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