February 2nd, 2:13 am

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February 2nd, 2:13 am



Is everything okay?

Ya... why?

Just cause every time you text me first it's cause you either need to ask or tell me something.

Oh oops

Lol it's okay.

Nah I just wanna chat :)

Oh okay, cool!

ITW goes up in just over a month! I'm so excited!

Rehearsals are getting crazy though, we rehearse basically every day now. Tech is starting in a couple weeks.

Do u ever talk about anything besides ITW?

Oh sorry

Nah it's fine lmao. It's just funny.

Anyway, what's "tech"? Sorry idk theatre slang

It's when we get our costumes and mics and rehearse in them onstage, with lights, sound, music, props, the whole shabang

For the first little while it's just like normal rehearsal with notes and stopping and starting and stuff, and then we get into the dress rehearsals and stuff

Oh cool

I've kinda always wanted to be a tech person in a show

I think it'd be neat

Stressful, but neat

You should!!!

I'll think about it ;)

We had costume fittings yesterday

I thought u didn't rehearse in costume yet?

We don't. This was just to see if it fit right so that if it didn't, the costume people can fix it before tech.

Oh ok

My costume is gorgeous, Anx! It's white, and has golden shoulder things, and cool red emblems on the side with a golden outlined castle and sun on it. There's also a red sash, and it's stupendous!

Lol so like a typical prince costume?

How DARE you I am not typical!!!

Sure, ok


Anyway, enough about me. How are you faring?


Oh that's good

Logan and I are on good terms again. We're going to try to stay friends

Oh that's sweet. It really does sound like he cares about you, even if it's platonically.

Yeah he does

Good. I'm happy for you two!


How's Michael?

Oh he's alright.

How many dates have you been on?

Only one so far, but I'm going out with him this weekend :)

Oh ok cool

Sorry Anxiety, but I should go to sleep. I can hardly keep my eyes open :P

Lol ok



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