March 9th, 6:53 pm

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March 9th, 6:53 pm

It's opening night!

I'm so nervous I go onstage in literally 8 minutes

Big night!

Yeah my parents are coming and I'm really scared about how my dad is gonna feel

Don't worry about it. Just go out there and perform your heart out



Remember, Tony award?

Big fancy trophy with "Princey" written on it, and then everyone who will ever have doubted u will be kicking themselves for having their heads so far up their asses.

Lol I hope so.

Why don't you audition for a musical?

R u kidding? Unless you want someone who sounds like a screeching cat when they sing, u don't want me

I'm sure you sing wonderfully!

If it's normal for people's ears to bleed when u sing, then I'm fucking fantastic.


I have to go on stage now, but thank you that helped a lot.

Break a leg!

Thank you! Bye!

Knock 'em dead, Princey

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