December 16th, 12:01 pm

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TW: Brief mention of cutting

December 16th, 12:01 pm

Ok I'm on lunch

Plz respond

I'm not mad at u. I'm just disappointed in myself

I always mess everything up

I'm rly sorry

It wasn't fair for me to say that, because I were only trying to be ther 4 me.



U opened up to me, so it's probably only fair I open up to u too


So, u know I'm gay

Obviously u figured it out

Idk I just thought what if it's wrong to be that way?

The kids at school just pick on me because of it

I don't want to sound like a kicked puppy or anything, but sometimes I wonder if they're right, u know?

Srry that doesn't make sense

Also, the reason I'm up late is because I can't stop thinking about how I hate myself and all the things I did wrong and my thoughts just kind of haunt me at night

They are part of the reason I started cutting

Myself I mean

I keep my walls up in order to "protect" myself but rlly it just pushed everyone away

I say everyone but I really mean u

Ur the only real friend I've had in a long time, Princey. I don't even KNOW u

It feels right talking to u somehow

Does that sound crazy?

Sorry, my anxiety is spiking up

But honestly, ur the only person who I've had for a long time, and I chased u away.


Im really sorry Princey

Ur my best friend

What I did was really shitty and I said something that I knew would hurt ur feelings, because I wanted...

I don't really know what I wanted

Not this though

Ur not an idiot, and ur dad is an asshole. I can't believe he'd do stuff like that to u. I could try to help u with the questions if u wanted, tho I'm not very good at that kind of thing either. But ITW is a big deal for u and I want u to live ur dream.

But anyway

Sorry I tend to ramble when I'm anxious

But you've been mad at me for over 48 hrs and I'm already not able to function. I don't know how I did it without u before

We've only known each other a few months but honestly u rly r my best friend.

Honestly none of that made any sense



I hope u will forgive me

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