May 17th, 11:57 pm

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May 17th, 11:57 pm


I'm home now

Mom and Dad went to bed early, so we can't call

But, I'm ready to talk if you are.

Oh. I'm more than ready.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you, V.


Well... what do you want to know?

Don't pull that shit with me, Roman. Tell me all of it.

The truth

Okay, sorry.

Well, a little while ago my dad said that he wanted to talk to me.

He told me that we were moving to Seattle in July, and my heart shattered. I tried to reason with him, but he insisted that I was going to disgrace the family, so he needed a job to be able to support our whole family when I inevitably fail at life and go bankrupt.



Yeah. I was so upset because I had just found you, and I was finally in a happier place. A truly happy place. I wanted to talk to you about it, about everything, and I texted you to do just that.

I remember.

But, then... you gave that little speech about how this time was the happiest of your life, and how we're a family, and how I'll always have you guys, and how all you wanted was to hug me... and after that, I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I couldn't take that happiness away from you.


I thought that since there was over a month left of school, that I could just hold that information back for a while, and I'd give you at least a couple more weeks carefree before I broke the news.

Oh ok

But over the past couple weeks, the moving thing has been at the back of my mind, making it harder and harder to put on a smile, and I felt just pure guilt whirling in my stomach because I knew I should tell you.

that's y u were looking so sick


Then we went for the house tour, and I saw your messages, but couldn't think of how to respond. I ended up just shutting my phone off. I felt so so guilty.

Now we're here.

And I'm so so sorry that I didn't tell you before, V. I just... I couldn't do it.

But for someone who asks for the truth, I'm really bad at giving it myself.

I understand, Roman.

You do? Thank goodness

I need some time to process this, though.

Right, of course!

I understand.

Anything you need, I'm so sorry.

U moving isn't ur fault.

But, I need a minute.

I'll talk to u tomorrow, k?

Of course. Thank you.

I love you so much


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