December 24th, 9:27 pm

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December 24th, 9:27 pm

Sorry for Valerie. She can be a little...extra

And u aren't?


But it's ok


Lol ya I guess

The whole conversation was kinda stupid

I think it's cute!


I think prinxiety is a cute ship name

I mean, maybe?

It does have a nice ring to it

I agree!

But, Valerie made that stuff seem way bigger than it actually is. She over exaggerated a bit.

I don't do that

Don't listen to her

It's ok I won't. Its not like we'd ever date.

We're just too different.

Uh, yeah! 


It's stupid. 

Ya a little

I mean, you have boyfriend!

It'd be kind of rude for me to act on romantic feelings when I know you're involved with someone else.

If I had romantic feelings for you, I mean.

Which I don't


U ok? U seem kinda frantic

Who me? No I'm fine. Just tired.

I just danced all day, need I remind you

You excited for Xmas?

It is xmas eve after all.

It is! Wait, didn't you say you'd be at Logan's tonight?

Ya. I'm here rn. Just taking a break from people for a couple minutes

Hiding in the bathroom, are we?

How did u know?

That's where I go ;)



Yeah. Too many people can be overwhelming, even for me.

Ya I get that

Anyway, what r u doing tonight?

Not much. I think I'm going to pull an allnighter, and watch the NASA map that follows Santa Clause around.

He's in Brazil right now.

Wow u r such a five year old

I am not!

Ur parents wouldn't allow that

I can do whatever I want. My parents aren't here ;)


Yeah they aren't back until the second

Of January

I thought u said they were coming back for Xmas?

Oh shit

Y did u lie?

People get very freaked out by people spending Christmas alone. And I know that you already don't like my parents that much. I didn't want to worry anyone.

It's fine, really.

No it's not!

If there's one thing my dad taught me, it's that you should always feel loved, especially on the holidays.

Really, Anx. I don't mind. Quite honestly, I'd rather spend it without them anyway. 

I wish I could be out there with u

If only we lived near each other.

That's sweet! But really, don't worry about me. I can sing as loud as I want without getting yelled at! XD

I also get oven-baked pizza for xmas dinner. How much better could it get than that?

R u sure ur ok?

Honestly, I am.

You should go, before Logan's parents get suspicious.

Lol ok.

Bye princey

Farewell, Anxiety!

I actually have really liked these last two chapters :))

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