January 3rd, 3:01 pm

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January 3rd, 3:01 pm

Ugh I've only been at school for one day and I'm already done w school

Spring break hmu


I already have like three hours of homework


Screw u teachers I'm not doinh it



So wyd?

I'm at rehearsal!

Oh sorry for interrupting

You aren't interrupting anything, I'm not needed at the moment.

We're choreographing "Agony" tomorrow!


You know, the song?

Oh u mean that rly long one in which princes are just being brats?

We are not brats!

Wait, don't u cheat on Cinderella later in the show?




How dare u cheat on Valerie!

Sorry :(

I'm not attracted to either of them so...

Princey u player!

Oops XD

Princey, can I talk to u about something?

Sure! Anything.

Something's up with Logan.

What do you mean?

He's been.. distant, lately.


How so?

He doesn't let me hold his hand much anymore. He says he's nervous about PDA but I feel like it's more than that.

He looks really guilty after he kisses me or tells me that he loves me.

Are you sure?

What do u mean?

Are you sure you're reading the situation right?

U don't believe me?

No, no, no! I do!


I do. Keep going.

Well, he's still away on vacation this week, he gets back next Monday. But he texted me last night saying he had something he needed to tell me. I asked what it was, and he said he wanted to tell me in person.

What if he's been cheating on me?

I doubt he'd do something like that. Logan seems like an honest person.

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

Do you?


Do you still love him?

Yes! Of course! I love him so much



Oh I'm sorry that sounded rude. I was just thinking :)


Well, if you love him, just trust him. There's no use speculating or worrying about it, it's not going to change anything.

Ur right




Well, I'll let u get back to rehearsal

Is that all you texted me for?

Yep. Don't worry that's it.



Ok have fun!

Thank you

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