May 2nd, 3:29 am

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May 2nd, 3:29 am


Are you awake?

Of course

Sorry I didn't want to call in case you were sleeping.

Well, Dad's asleep so it's probably a good thing.

It's kinda weird how we used to text all the time. Our whole relationship was on text, and now it... isn't anymore.

Yeah. Texting you now, at 3:30 am is giving me this nostalgic feeling.

Like coming home.

Ya exactly.

I almost missed it.

Anyway, what's up?

It's been a long night. Dad and I had a good long chat. He uh, gave me some news.

Oh rly? How did that go?

Actually... I wanted to talk to you about it...

Oh ok.

Well, before u say anything, Roman...


Just remember that even though sometimes things are rough at home, u now have me and ur friends at school (and the middle of the night) to come to. We're ur family now.

I love u so much, ok? Remember that. Since I've gotten together w u the past few weeks have been some of the best in my life. U r the reason.

U r so special and I love u so much and I have no clue what I would do without u. So no matter what ur dad told u tonight, it won't change the fact that I want u around, and I want u in my life, and that having u in my life makes me so happy. Being able to kiss and hug u makes me so happy. All of it.

I love u.

Ok. Now what did ur dad talk to u about?


U there, babe?

Oh. It was just about finals.


Yeah. Just lectured me about "if I keep this up, young man, blah blah blah" and "you're a disgrace to my name" and all the usual stuff

Oh ok. Is there anything else?


U sure?

Yep. Now I should go to bed. We have school tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Sunday

Oh right. Well, I'm tired


Roman r u sure ur alright?

Yeah of course!

I'm fine.

I'm so so glad you're happy, love.

R u happy?

Nothing makes me happier than you :)


I'm going to bed now.

Call me tomorrow, ok?

Will do.



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