May 8th, 4:37 pm

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May 8th, 4:37 pm


Ur still coming tonight right?

Yes, of course!

I'm nervous as hell, though.

Don't be. I'm sure youll be loved

I'm about to meet my boyfriend's parents, Virgil. I have a right to be nervous.

So do I.

Also it's parent


Singular. Just my dad and me.

Oh, okay.

What about your mom?

She hasn't been in my life for a long time.

Oh I see.

Do you want to talk about it?

Not particularly.

Another time, ok?

Sure, okay.

Ok so my dad doesn't know we're dating.


Ya, sorry. I kinda wanted to introduce u as a friend first, cause my dad can be a bit, uh, overbearing.

Okay. I trust your judgement.

We'll tell him eventually, right?



I'm getting in the car. What's your dad's name so I don't forget?


Right, thank you.


Okay, I'm on my way.

See u soon babe.

Luv u

Love you too, V!

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