December 25th, 10:41 pm

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December 25th, 10:41 pm


U there?


Is everything okay?

I came out to my family


Mhm. My grandparents were talking about my wedding, and how I'd marry some beautiful Christian girl, and we'd have kids. They were talking about how beautiful their grandchildren would be. 

They always do that.

I just got sick of it

And it was out before I could stop it.

They just sat there in shock, my parents too, and then I ran away. Now I've locked myself in the bathroom and I don't know what to do.



Don't worry, I'm here. I just wanted you to finish first.

It'll be okay. Give them time to absorb it. It was probably very sudden.

Fuck, princey I can't breathe.

Shhhhh.... you're okay.

Breathe in for four counts

I can't 

I can't

Yes, you can.

I believe in you

I can't

In for four seconds.

Come on, Anx. You can do this.


In for four

I can't type

Then don't.

I will.

Just read

In for four seconds

Very good

You're doing so well.

Now hold for seven seconds

Good, good.

It's okay if you don't get it right away, just keep trying until you get it.

There you go, that's it.

Okay, now breathe out for eight seconds

So good, Anx.

You're okay.

Good! Now do it again


Just breathe

For me, okay?

For Logan.

Breathe for Logan.

Breathe for him, okay?

You can do this.

Take as long as you need.

Everything is going to be okay.

I promise


Shh, you're okay

How are you?


Thank u

My pleasure!

How did you know that strategy?

U were all freaked out last time

Well, I wanted to be able to help you better, so I did some research.


U did that 4 me?

Anything for you <3

Aw thx

I hear someone on the stairs, my dad probably

It'll be okay, Anx.

I promise

I'm so proud of you.

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