April 27th, 12:01 pm

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April 27th, 12:01 pm

Wow we haven't texted in forever

No, I guess not. Not since we've started seeing each other in person and calling/face timing each other.

Ya it's so weird.

Yeah XD

So, uh, Logan's not here today...

Well that's unlike him. Missing a day of school XD


But uh

I was wondering

...maybe I could come sit w u and ur friends for lunch?

Oh! Are you ready for that?


I think so.

Who r u sitting with?

At the moment... Val, Joan, Thomas, and some other people from ITW.

No sports friends?


Ok... then yes.

Fuck I'm nervous now.

Don't be.

Do you have any idea how excited they'll be to meet you? Most of them know about "Anxiety".

...they do?

Yeah. Come on, with a relationship like ours, how could Joan not tease me about it all the time?

Fair enough.

"Prinxiety" is a well known word over here. Though no one knows we're dating yet.

God I have to be there for when they find out?

I'll tell them now. Before you get here. I just didn't want to tell anyone without your permission.


Start your way over now. I'll tell them about us dating, and hopefully most of the uproar will be over by the time you get here.

Ok... where r u sitting?

Back corner by the vending machines.


You sure you want to do this? Last chance to back out.

I'm sure.

Alright. I'll tell them now. See you soon, love. <3

See u soon babe <3


I have a lot of people requesting a final "not text" chapter. Just to address this, I won't be doing one as part of the book. I've considered it, but I really intended this book to be read only through text messages. I just think that it will tie the ending together better, and you'll understand when you read the ending that may or may not make you all hate me forever (:

But... I'm considering doing one or two "bonus chapters" after the book is over (like you sometimes see in movies with deleted scenes. They're not part of the actual book) and actually write a couple of the scenes that take place in between the text messages. I think I'm going to do three or four. There are a couple I definitely want to write and will write, and the others you can argue in the comments over which ones you'd like me to write.

1. Roman and his Father (this may be after his parents come to see ITW. I haven't decided yet)

2. Virgil being introduced to Roman's friends (the scene that takes place after this chapter)

3. Up to you! (I might do four if you guys can't agree)

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