June 15th, 10:36 pm

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June 15th, 7:36 pm

Thanks for driving me home babe


Thank you for coming with us.

U feeling better about ur last couple finals?

Yeah... I hope I can remember everything

U will. Uv been studying so hard

I know. I want to study more tonight.

No more all nighters, Roman.

U need some sleep

Wow I can't believe I just told someone else that they need to sleep. I don't rly seem like the person to give that advice.

No... well I appreciate it the same.

Srsly, get some sleep, ok?

I'll try.

U need to take care of urself. Don't make me come over there and force u into bed and tuck u in myself.

Lol okay I won't.

That's be nice though (;

Shut up, Roman

Okay, sorry.

Go to sleep now, ok?

I'll try

Good. No studying.


Okay okay! I promise! :p


You should too, though

Get some sleep, I mean.

I will.


Goodnight <3


Okay so the chapter before this one, I just wanted to clear something up about it because there were lots of misconceptions and I want to make sure we're all clear.

When Roman said "I'm driving btw" he meant that he was going to drive everyone to the drive-in, and home afterwards. He was sitting in class when he sent the message. He was not driving at the time that he sent the message, and he didn't skip class. Just so we're all clear!

That's all! This was mostly a filler chapter so that I could tell you that^^^ but I still like it.

Caring/protective Virge is a sweet Virge, and a personal favourite Virge of mine :p

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