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i got a call that night. that ended up lasting for 4 hours. how? i have no idea. jimin and i just felt normal talking to each other, and somehow we tolerated each other for that amount of time. it was around 1 am when we were both falling asleep on the, now, facetime.

"ok, you're falling asleep and i don't want to be tempted to take embarrassing pictures of you sleeping, so i'm gonna hang up." i giggled a bit, watching his eyes droop.

he denied it though, "no, no, i'm definitely awake, see?" he opens his eyes extra wide for all of 2 seconds before they close again, trying their hardest to stay open.

"no, you need sleep." i argued, smiling a bit. he was pretty cute when he was tired.

"ok, maybe i need my beauty sleep." he laughed before - what i assumed - was his attempt at sitting up to say a proper goodbye.

"bye, jimin. talk to you tomorrow?"

"definitely, i haven't had this much fun on a facetime in a very long time." he laughed before sighing, almost falling into thought.


"night, yoongi."

i guess when i said "talk to you tomorrow" last night, he meant over facetime only, because he didn't make an effort to talk to me at all today. i mean, i'd talk to him anyway, so what's the point in complaining.

"why were you up at like 1:30 am last night? usually you're out by midnight, if i remember our last sleepover." namjoon teased. "what was so interesting that it kept you up that much? not even us - your friends - can do that."

upon hearing that very statement, before i could even start asking how they knew when i fell asleep, hoseok sticks his sentence in. "it was prince charming, right?" he snickers.

i hit his head from across the table since he was too busy trying not to fall out of his seat laughing. "shut up! and so what if it was? just goes to show how much more interesting he is than you twats!"

i hear some louder than normal laughter from jimin's table, which was right past hoseok's head, seeing him laugh too but not nearly as much as his friends at whatever dick joke was being told. actually, it was probably about girls, seeing as that group was homophobic. as was the majority of the school. hoseok got away with it though. i have almost no idea as to how.

i end up staring at jimin until he looks back at me, and i tear my eyes away from his distant features. my cheeks were dusted with a light rose color, that was for sure. i didn't need to ask my friends if i was blushing because i know how easily i get flustered. which means jimin saw me staring and blushing. whoops.

i tried not to look at him for the rest of lunch, even though it was pretty difficult, because, well, he's park jimin.

i got a couple more glances in in the next 20 minutes before leaving for my next class. i saw him on the way there in the hallway, and glanced at him again, only i caught him looking at me first. i quickly averted my eyes and felt my face heat up before continuing my everyday walking-line to my class. on the way there, as i turned the corner and began to wait for my very dumb art teacher to learn how to open the door for her students, jimin sped by with his friends, my eyes becoming glued to the group.

and since the bell hadn't technically rang, and we were just dismissed by section in the cafeteria, it was a pretty empty hallway. him and his friends' laughter rung out in the hallway, as him and his friends pushed each other playfully. then, for a split second, it was just jimin's laughter.

that wonderful sound. i hate it so much.

just before he turned the corner to go to his computer class—i know he had technology because i had a friend in that class—something dropped out behind the boys who were now gone.

as more people started to flood the hallways i made a break for the object. it wasn't much. just a doodled-on sheet of paper. it was kind of cute though, from what i could tell. it also looked like jimin's handwriting.

i had to get back to my art class before the bell rang, because i also didn't want to get shoved by students a year or so younger rushing to their next class harshly. i quickly folded the paper and shoved it in my pocket.

we had a more freely set up room in art class. messy tables with paint stains and sharpie marks were what we had in stead of pristine desks. i went to my assigned seat and hung my backpack on the back of my chair.

i took out the paper from my pocket, it being a bit bent already. i unfolded it and smoothed it out as much as possible. there were little doodles of cute characters that i hadn't seen before, and little phrases here and there.


'ggwak jabajwo, jebal'

'jeoneundo wonhae keopi ㅋㅋ'

'hyeongi nongguleul johahabnida'

'^geuneundo nongguleul jaju hada, gwonli?'

the teacher's voice interrupted my reading of the small phrases. "yoongi! is that what we're working on?" she asked. the class was looking at me and me alone now, and i had no friends to look at to make his situation funny. they all had some pack- no. they had the packet we were given yesterday. "uh, no ma'am. sorry." i quickly apologized and gave a small bow in my seat before putting the paper in my art folder and getting out the packet on 3D shading.

during the lesson my mind couldn't help but keep wandering back to the paper. how cute.

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