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"hyung..." a small finger poked my cheeks, and i couldn't help but smile.

opening my eyes slightly, i see my beautiful baby boy with his sleepy but gorgeous smile that made his eyes sparkle. "good morning, baby."

"morning, hyung." he bit his lip a little, but it was obvious to me. "i was thinking we could do something a bit different this morning." he had a smirk on now, and i could read his mind like an open book.

"oh? and what difference would that be, hm?" i ran my hands up his side, lifting his shirt a little, then bringing my hand back down to play with his waistband. now i had the smirk on my face too, and his lip biting was more prominent.

i brought my hand down a bit father to rub his hips, then back to his waist, and his abs. jimin's abs were one of my favorite physical features of his, he worked hard to keep them there, too. i spent my time teasing the internally desperate boy by dragging my fingers over his stomach, leaving the best part for last. bringing my hands down the center line of his abs, over his bellybutton, i let my fingers' light touch stop at his waistband.

"hyung, please." he whined.

"please what, jiminie?" he took a deep breath and i admired his neck and the movements it made when he took breaths like that. sexually frustrated breaths.

"hyung..." he whined, closer to my ear this time.

i began teasing again, hooking my fingers on his waistband and boxers, pulling them out then letting them snap against his sensitive body, making him gasp or whine at first. "what do you want hyung to do?"

"hyung, please, i can't say it." he puts his hand over mine, wanting to guide it but i quickly push it away. i was in control.

"no, baby. tell hyung what you want." i continued snapping the bands against him, looking at how he'd bite his lip every time and flinch a little now.

"i-i can't—" he let out a sudden squeak that turned into a drawn out moan when i moved my hand into his sweats and boxers, brushing a finger over his tip.

"is this where you want hyung to touch?" i move closer to breath over his lips. i move my hands away from his dick and to the backside of him. i squeeze his ass and he lets out another squeak that turns into a moan, this one smaller. "or here, maybe?"

"yoongi." he looks into my eyes, sounding a bit more serious.

"yes, baby?"

"yoongi!" he says more urgently and i'm scared i've hurt him somehow.

"what is it?"

"yoongi, wake the fuck up!" he yells.

my eyes shoot open, my shirt drenched in sweat and an uncomfortable pain in my lower regions. i look around to see jimin and jin staring at me. "what?!" i yell at them, making sure my lower half was still covered with my thick comforter.

no way that just happened.

"yoongi, you're such a fucking pain to get up in the morning." jin says dramatically. jimin sits next to me, watching us carefully. "you have school today, get the fuck up." jin tries to rip my savior off of me and i'm not going to give up easy. i immediately grab it with all my strength and pull it back onto me. "JIN!" i shout and he looks me in the eyes, where i give him a look that i try to have explain it all for me.

he seems to get the message, considering how he fell to the floor a few seconds after we made eye contact, having a hard time breathing because he understood my situation now. he kept laughing at me for a few moments, and then i realize how extremely funny he found this. there were literal tears coming from his eyes.

"jin, get the fuck out." i huffed in annoyance. he just kept laughing though. i was ready to get up and throw him out myself, but i would never risk that embarrassment. especially in front of the cause on my endeavor. park fucking jimin.

jin eventually got up and out of my room, leaving with tears still coming out of him. "jimin, turn around for a second." he complied with no questions, thank god. when i was about to close the door of the bathroom, i looked back, and his face was as red as a ruby. i didn't have time to let my anxiety about him seeing my issue bother me right now though. i locked the door and stared into the mirror with thought. i had two options: take a cold shower and absolutely suffer, or jerk off with jimin in the room next to mine.

i decided on the latter, which was a horrible decision.

i turned on the shower and made sure the water was at a perfect temperature for my feat. if this was going to fail, i could at least be comfortable while it failed. i waited until the water was good until getting undressed. i ripped the clothes off me, now desperate for release because of my currently raging hormones.

i stepped into the shower, and immediately got to work, slowly pumping myself, instantly feeling better about this situation. it took all my strength to not let out at least a strangled moan. i bit down harshly on my lips as i sped up, my hand now leaning on the wall to support myself. i sped up my pace, running my fingers over the tip a few times, actually letting out harsh breaths now.

it was my elbow that was now resting against the wall with my hand in my hair, gripping it tightly. "fuck..." i grit out, my body hot enough to radiate heat at this point. the hot water from the shower wasn't exactly helping my over-the-top body heat either.

i speed up again, brushing my finger over my tip on almost every pump, feeling the heat in my stomach grow hotter with every vigorous hand movement. i told my head back out of pleasure, letting out very harsh breaths instead of the moans my body needs to release.

"fuck! jimin—" it only took a few more pumps on my member before the growing pit of heat in my stomach turned into a sticky white substance shooting out of my cock, quick to be washed away by the running water of the shower. i had accidentally moaned out jimin's name at my climax, and i immediately realized it, too, regretting it immediately, knowing he heard it. if he was still in the room, that is.

after my breathing returned back to normal, i started to actually shower, washing my hair and doing my normally quick shower routine.

i turned off the shower and stepped out, getting a towel from the rack on my wall and drying my body quickly, wrapping it around my body then grabbed a hair dryer since i didn't have time to let it air dry.

after a few minutes my faded blue locks were dry for the most part. i still had to dye it, i thought. i'll pick some dye up after school.

i stepped out of my bathroom to be met with cold air, making me hiss, and made jimin's eyes lock with mine. jimin was sitting in my desk chair, in a fitted uniform that he probably brought when i got him the other day.

"you're ready already? that was quick." i wall over to my closet and take out my uniform, laying it on my bed. i also go over to my dresser to grab a pair of boxers, throwing them onto my bed too. "face the other way, jiminie." i look at him to see him already facing the other way.

"hyung, we still have to talk about those." he says, talking about the marks on my body he's seen a few times now, me avoiding the conversation every time.

"remind me when we have time to, jimin." i take off the towel and begin to get dressed.

after i'm done, jimin and i grab our bags from wherever they had ended up over the last day or so, which was somewhere on the floor in my room.

when we left, there was silence between us as we went to school. i went to take out my earbuds for a distraction from this world, but jimin grabbed my hand before i could, making me stop in my tracks. "hyung, don't we have time now?" he turns to face me, not letting go of my wrist.

"no, jimin." i rip my wrist from his grip and continue walking to school, not caring if he planned to catch up or not.

hopefully, we'll never have time for that.

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