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miss me? uwu

"penny for your thoughts?"

"not today, seokie." i grumble, making his playful smile fall.

"geez, who stuck a stick up your ass?" he mutters.

"can we not just wait for the others in peace? do you need to be prying into my life?" i ask him rudely, trying to get him to shut up. i wasn't in the mood for his playful aura, it just made my situation sadder, and me more pissed and upset.

"nope, because i care about you. now tell father what's wrong, son." he says, tapping his fingers on the table in a rhythm.

"hoseok, really, i don't wanna talk about it. i'll probably end up fucking making a scene, ok?" i stress, running my fingers through my mint hair, messing it up. i take out my phone and check the time and confirm they're running late. maybe only by 3 minutes, but those 3 minutes could've been uplifting banter instead of hoseok nagging me.

"fine, fine. i'll find out eventually." i had to resist my urge to respond back with something that would end up in my being kicked out of the cafe for causing a disturbance.

finally, jin, namjoon, jungkook, and taehyung squeezed through the single cafe door with loud laughter, catching hoseok and i's attention and he welcomed them over to our table. i put on my happy mask before they sat down, not wanting them to be suspicious.

"hey guys!" hoseok greeted them as they sat down. in the rounded booth, jungkook was on the end, then it was hoseok, namjoon, taehyung, jin, then me on the other end.

"hi, everyone!" jin greeted. "sorry we're late. jungkook decided to not look where he was going and walk into a very feisty tourist lady." he shuddered dramatically. while he sat down, his hand glinted and caught my attention for a few seconds.

"ouch, and how did that go?" i perk up, earning the table's attention.

"just as you'd expect. a lot of yelling in english and the words i could understand won't help me understand anything she said." jungkook explained with a cheekily proud smile presenting itself on his face.

"yeah, english was never your strong suit, kid." i reply with a playful smile.

"hyung! taetae, tell him i'm good at english!" jungkook pouted, looking at taehyung for help, who looked unbothered.

he sarcastically picked at his nails. "i don't lie to people, guk."

the table erupted in laughter and "oh!"s  and i had to shut them all up before we got kicked out. jungkook just pouted more, in fake awe of what his boyfriend said.

"we still love you, gukkie, even if you suck at english." hoseok comforts, making jungkook give him an "are you fucking serious" face.

"anyway, what was the reason you two called us here, jin hyung?" i ask, genuinely curious. i think we all had an idea of what was to come today, but it could've been something else.

"patience, we've decided to tell you guys after eating." he smiles and his face heats up. i decide to risk it.

"namjoon proposed, didn't he?" i ask with a sly smile, playing with my fingers as the table drops whatever they were thinking about and turn towards jin and namjoon, who looked taken aback at my assumption. "am i right or am i right?"

"how... how did you know?" jin asks.

i laugh and the table looks towards me. "you're my brother, kim seokjin. you think i wouldn't notice the happy glow about you? or the ring on your finger?" i say with a small, genuine smile. he laughs, slightly embarrassed.

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