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sorry for the late update, as we all know today was total fucking chaos for the fandom (fake love saved the year you can fight all you want). another soft hours author's note at the end :)


i was happier over the course of the next week, with jackson's flirting still going nonstop. i had noticed now, how as soon as yoongi started being closed off, jackson had made a definite increase of attempts to talk to me, like he was trying to woo me over. i had talked to jin about it and he said it made total sense, but didn't elaborate. what else don't i know?

as for the happy bit, that was because i knew my family knew everything about me now. jaeyeon left a couple weeks ago, making my life all that easier. he said he couldn't stay out there for long though, and to expect him back before we know it. i did everything but.

walking through the halls, on my way to my 5th period, computers, i noticed the hallway was slightly empty. looks like i beat the crowd. i continued on my path, turning the corner. i stopped.

"yoongi." i whispered to no one. he was waiting outside his class, leaning against the wall. he didn't hear me. i continued to walk and he looked back, probably just wanting to see who was walking. he turned right back around when he saw me.

i continued to walk to my class, but not before i jerked him around, obviously surprising him, as he flinched when i did so. "what did jackson do?" i ask quietly but with a just as harsh tone.

he looks speechless. "h-how did y-you..."

"so he did do something."

"jimin, don't. you won't like the outcome." he says as if he's reading my mind.

"what's the outcome?" i feel my face soften.

just then, the beginning of the mob turn the corner, and when i turn back to look at yoongi, he's already facing away from me, other students beginning to line up behind him, some gawking at me. taehyung, jungkook, and, for some reason, jackson, come up together and tug me away from my target.

we all walk around the next corner, closer to my class, which they were all in so it was mostly chaos. we walked to the door, and i told jungkook and taehyung to go in, that i had to talk to jackson. i told the teacher we'd be right back, back before the bell rang, at least. i rather forcefully pulled him into the bathroom down the hall, lucky that they forgot to lock them during lunch today. i practically threw him into the middle of the bathroom, giving him room for his ego.

"finally find out the truth, baby?" the way the name came off his tongue made me want to hurl.

"i did, actually." i give him an obviously angry smile as i walk up to him. i look up at his smirking face and use all of the strength in my lower body to stomp on his foot. hard. he immediately cringes in pain, bringing his foot up and holding it like it would release the pain.

"what did you do to yoongi?"

he laughs, then calms down, slowly letting his foot back down. "and what makes you think i did something to yoongi?"

"you've been up my ass since he started getting distant, and he always gives you these looks whenever he passes us in the hallway!" i shout at him, pointing.

he comes closer, but i stay still, trying not to be intimated by his cocky demeanor. "i'm not up your ass just yet, baby boy." he mumbles into my ear, making me shiver away from him.

"so that's why. you wanted my body and yoongi was in the way of that! am i right?" i yell.

"sexy and smart, just how i like 'em." he smirks, approaching me again. i let him get close, until he's about to pin me to the tiled wall. i shove him away from me, taking him by surprise as he stumbles.

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