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"you're kidding me, right? what are you, 11?" i chuckle out. as much as i would love to play the most cliche game of truth or dare with my crush, my nerves were shot once that came out of his mouth. he was already in my house, on my bed, and here i was thinking it couldn't get any worse.

"maybe! you don't know me! i could be 4 for your information." he stands up putting his hands on his hips like an upset child would.

i let out air in defeat. it wouldn't go past my limits.


before i can register what's happening, i have two arms my stomach from behind, slowly crushing me. "j-jimin i need to breath."

he let's go hesitantly, "sorry hyung." he giggles.

it was now i decided to take notes on how different he was out of school. in school, he had this bad boy-player reputation, which wasn't for jokes either. he dated a lot of girls, and didn't keep with them for long, considering he was never attached to any of them, really. right now, from what i knew, he was actually available, waiting for the next girl to come up and get heartbroken.

out of school, he was like a little child who was so easily pleased. a little, innocent child who you'd want to give the world to. or at least, i'd give the world to.

"hyung?" he asked with a small, frail voice, sounding worried.

"hm?" i zoned out, i guess. jimin does that to me. "sorry, i was just... thinking."

he smiles at me softly. "it's ok, now let's play!" he says taking me over to the middle of my room, where the most space was and sat us down.

"do you wanna start?" i ask him. he shrugs and goes first anyway.

"um, truth or dare, hyung?" he says looking at me intently.


he stopped and thought for a second.

"um... are you a virgin?"

i almost choked on my own saliva. "jimin! what the hell kind of question is that?!"

"i don't know!! i'm bad when people say truth because i don't want to make them boring questions or anything." he pouts a bit over dramatically with his lips very puffed out.

i wonder how good his lips taste.

"you didn't answer, hyung." he says quietly, but it was the only sound in my room other than my thoughts.

"um, no." i mumble uncomfortably. he still heard it, though. this was already past my limits.

"ooh~! i'll have to get you to tell me about that later!" he giggles, almost shyly as he covers his now red face with his hands.

"try to keep it pg?"

he giggles. "maybe, hyung. we'll see. now ask me!" he rocks back and forth cutely.

"truth or dare, jimin?"

"dare! i'm not a wimp like you!" he says proudly. sure you aren't.

"ok, if you're not a wimp, i dare you to strip." i laugh, waiting for his reaction.

when i focus on him he's beet red and no longer rocking back and forth in anticipation, he's frozen. probably in embarrassment. "h-hyung i don't think—"

"i'm kidding jiminie, i wouldn't do that." not yet at least.

"how about you..." i trail off, thinking. truth or dare was hard with someone you didn't really know. well, it felt like i knew him for years, but in reality, i had only just began talking to him not long ago, maybe a week.

"hit the high note in one of my favorite songs." i say excitedly, as he probably will be confused once i show him the "group". he nods in acceptance and i smile widely at him. i myself can't hit high notes, but something told me that jimin would be able to do it.

i pulled out my phone and brought up the lyrics, scooting next to him as i scrolled down to that part. i let it play out first, showing him what it should sound like and the line leading up to that. jimin looks intrigued but confused at the same time.

"you listen to american groups?" he asks looking up from my phone at me.

"uh, yeah, is that ok?" i become anxious. if he didn't like this part of me there's probably a lot more to me that he wouldn't like.

"no, no, it's fine. it's just not common, you know? it's cool though." he gives a reassuring smile and i calm down a bit, but then it comes back to me that were very close to each other and the butterflies in my stomach blossom a bit too much. i feel my pale face turn a bright red at the realization, but keep up my "everything's fine" act. i continued to let him play it for as long as he wanted to get used to how it sounded. eventually, he stood up and took my phone with him, to prepare himself. once it got to the part, i was blown away.

the boy could sing. really sing. his english didn't suck either. well, of course his english was good, he studied it and practiced more than almost any other student.

"oh! it's saturday, saturday, saturday~!" he sang loud and proud, jin was probably very confused at the moment.

i hadn't noticed him come up to me and try to hand me my phone back. in fact, i also hadn't noticed how my jaw had slightly dropped at the sight.

jimin snapped his fingers in front of my face, taking me out of my amazed state. "holy shit jimin, that was great!" i say looking at him, still amazed at this boy's talent. truly perfect.

"hyung, i'm really not that good." he says shyly. i take my phone from him, put it in my pocket and grab his shoulders, startling him.

"you're fucking amazing, park jimin, ok?" we just stare at each other for a few seconds before we hear jin barging in and i immediately let go of him.

"hey yoongi did you see my—" he stops dead in his tracks in my doorway as he sees me grabbing jimin. me and jimin's faces redder than a ripe apple, just stand there frozen. jin just smirks at us before walking out and closing the door. "nevermind."

"let's get back to our game, hyung." he says more quietly. but this time i just go out and speak up.

"i don't really wanna keep doing truth or dare, really. i'd rather like, get to know you somehow. like 20 questions or something like that." i admit, hoping he didn't think it was weird.

"oh, sure hyung." he smiles and plops himself down onto my bed, falling back on it. i watched him like that for just a moment. his perfectly flat stomach moving up and down with every breath he took. i sat down beside him, looking down at his figure. "when's your birthday?" i start.

"october 13th. you?"

"march 9th."

he sits up. "how old are you?"


"me too."

"is your relationship with jin a good one?"

"yeah, we've always been each other's best friend, really. he would always stand up for me and was just there for me when i didn't have anyone to go to. some stuff i've told him not even namjoon or hoseok know." i stop myself there before it gets too deep. "do you have any siblings, jimin?"

"a namdongsaeng (little brother) that i love more than anything in this world. he's annoying sometimes, but he's definitely one of my favorite people." he says with a small smile on his face. he looks up at me with a face full of thoughts and curiosity.

"are you gay?"

i'm also feeling inspired so i edited this chapter and literally, the next chapter has close to 2000 words which is a record for me so look out on friday djdndn enjOY

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