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"hyung, come on! i wanna show you my home, and my room, and not really my family but they're gonna be there anyway!" jimin says dragging me off the school property, not leaving me enough time to explain to namjoon and hoseok what was happening as they saw me dash off with jimin to his house.

he dragged me all the way there, me complaining like normal, until we finally arrived at a nice looking baby blue, two story house that surrounded by other nice high middle-class homes. he proceeded to drag me inside, and almost upstairs until his family caught us.

"jimin! who's this?" we hear a deep voice ask from behind us. we slowly turned around, stepping down from the small steps we probably would've ended up tripping over. we turn around to see a man in maybe his late 40s staring us down. jimin didn't look intimidated like i did, though. "oh, hi appa! this is yoongi! a good friend of mine! he's who's house i've been going over for that few months. we're just here today." he explains, and i look at him and bow with a small, innocent smile.

he stares at me, and i feel my hands beginning to sweat. "appa! don't do that! he's not bad, i promise!" jimin waves him off, and a woman comes up behind the man, rubbing his shoulders and seems to make him lose his intimidating posture.

"hi yoongi!" she chirps, she must've overheard jimin's introduction. "i'm maeyeol, jimin's mother, and this hardass right here, who is deciding to be scary right now, is hayeon, jimin's father." she gives me a sweet smile and i can't help but smile back at her kindness.

"hello, mrs. park."

she waves me off, "oh, please! no formalities! we're not hard on those. jihyun is, but you two are older and don't need to worry about that."

jimin gripped at my hand, signaling he wanted to continue to his room.

"well, we have to start our packet." jimin says tugging me. lies, though.  we had actually already finished it and was just using this as an excuse to hang out without actually having to ask each other.

jimin and i ran up the stairs, jimin almost tripping, which caused me to almost trip. "jimin, be careful!" even i could hear the smile on my face.

"hyung," the blonde placed his hand on the doorknob, preparing to turn it. "welcome to my room!" he smiles as he opens his white and clean door which hid a very colorful and bright room - a very dramatic change from my mostly black, grey, and white room.

"woah!" i sarcastically block my eyes with my hands. "so... bright! my eyes!" jimin punches me in the arm and it's worse than expected. "hey, i've been meaning to ask, how are you that strong? you definitely have more muscle than me." i laugh. his cheeks turn a bit pink.

"i do a lot of physical activity, and a requirement of it is that i have a workout routine and a very healthy body." he rubs his arm nervously.

"what do you do?"

he just shakes his head and goes to sit down in his desk chair, putting his bag on the bed in the process. i put mine down near his and see him rolling over to me.

"so, what do you wanna do?" he asks, looking up at me from his chair expectantly.

"well what do you have?" i question back, my ruined mind returning home after it's short-lived vacation.

"the video games are in my brother's room, and honestly that's about it." he shrugs with a small laugh.

i leave him sitting there, already on my way to his brother's room. i stepped out into the hallway and found his room rather quickly. after all, not many parents have a badly painted over door with 'keep out' signs on it.

"come on! don't be a sore loser!"

"jimin, i swear to you, i will punch that smirk right off your face."

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