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we bid them goodbye at the front door, and as soon as it shut, we both yelled in happiness.


we looked at each other with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"THEY'RE GONE YOONGI! TWO WHOLE WEEKS! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?" he gave me wide eyes and i was about to cry of joy.

we hugged each other hard enough to suffocate the other. we let go and took a few deep breaths. then jin held up a plastic rectangle.

"mom gave me one of her cards before she left, and said the money on it is for us and survival." he paused pointing to the card. "so if we want to live by the end of the next two weeks, we actually have to budget ourselves. tell me whenever you want food or anything like that."

i nod and hug him again. "i can't believe this."

he hugs back then soon lets go. "me neither, honestly. but they left us with a house and money, so, what do you wanna do first?"

"i want invite a friend over." i run upstairs to grab my phone and jin follows.

"who? i'm not having a stranger come over, yoongs." he said following me into my room. i pulled my phone off the charger and laughed.

"he's not a stranger." i said smiling, opening my phone and going to my texts.

jin suddenly rushes over, nearly tripping over my shoes, and steals my phone. i yell at him to give it back but he holds it above my head.

what a time to be short.

"jin, give it back!"

"remember you came out to me too~ who's this he, hm?" he starts going through my texts with one hand, over course finding the only new-ish conversation. jin new that hoseok and namjoon were my friends, and definitely nothing more anymore, so it was pretty easy to find the one contact he had only heard of last night, being right on top.

"is it jimin~? he was a cutie, it makes sense." he says giving me a smirk and beginning to type something.

"jin- NO!" i say starting to jump up for my phone, using his shoulders as support. he's only able to send one message before i eventually grab it from his hands and look at what he sent.

hey baby <3


oh my god jimin i am so sorry my brother took my phone i'm so sorry i didn't type that i swear

"now he'll probably never talk to me again! i make a new friend and you scare them away!" i pouted.

jin was laughing his ass off, making it sound like our windows were being cleaned. my phone dinged and i sighed, expecting him to say something along the lines of 'what the fuck'.

chill it's ok bb
i'm kidding before it gets too awkward lmao
just saying that it's fine lol

hey, actually, could i come over?
my parents are out until 9 and i'm extremely fucking bored

"what'd he say?!" jin says looking at my phone. "ooh! get it yoongi!" he teases and laughs.

"shut the fuck up, jin. i'm not getting anything, but you might get my foot in your ass." i say, glaring at him.

"you shouldn't talk to your elders like that." he says sarcastically, picking at his nails, looking stuck-up.

"speaking of, you need to say jin HYUNG, not just jin, yoongi-ah." he says.

he always took honorifics seriously, especially when it came to me. if you didn't call him hyung, he would hold it against you until the day you die.

"ne, jin HYUNG." i say going back to my phone.

yeah, but i need like 30 minutes to get ready

well get ready quick because i wanna come over now :D



"he's coming over, now get out, i need to shower." i say getting up and shoo him out of my room.

"i'll be sure to send him up when he gets here!" he laughs from the hall.

"you better fucking not..." i mutter before taking my shirt off and throwing it on the floor somewhere. i go to my connected bathroom and start the shower, while continuing to undress.

after i get in and quickly wash my hair and body, i turn off the shower, step out and wrap my lower half in a towel. i drag my feet against the small rug i had in my bathroom to make sure my feet were dry enough so i wouldn't slip on the wood floors of the house. as i reach for the door knob, though, i hear the door to my room open.

"you can wait here, he should be out any second." i hear jin giggle. he didn't.

"ok, cool, thanks."


"JIN HYUNG YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!" i yell through the door. i hear jimin burst out laughing from the other side of the door.

"i'll go out if you want, yoongi." he says, closer to the door now.

"no, just face a wall away from my dresser or something." i sigh waiting a few seconds for him to comply.

i assume he has after a couple seconds, and slowly open the door to find him looking out my window, opposite my dresser. "ok, good. now don't look, ok? please?" i say. "promise." he answers, i quickly make my way over to my dresser and take out basketball shorts, boxers, and a random shirt.

i quickly dropped my towel and put on the clothes, making sure not all of me was on display for any more than 4 seconds. when i was finished, i told jimin he could turn around and he looked a bit pale.

did he look?

"jimin? you good?" i ask and he nods, taking a deep breath, looking ready to cry.

he looked.

he scanned my body before sitting down on my bed, criss-crossed. "where's your packet? i thought i should sign it before i forget."

"oh, yeah. one second." i walk over to my backpack and take out my science binder, opening it and taking our the packet which was right in front.

i walk back over to jimin, who now has his packet too, grab a pen from my nightstand and sit down in front of him. i grab his packet without asking and sign my name under "partner's name". i then hand him the pen and he does the same. after that it's an awkward silence.

he breaks it though. "we should play a game!" he says smiling brightly. oh, what that smile does to me.

"um, sure, like what?"

"not to be cliche, but truth or dare!"

hiiii, this is just another update for being bad about updating in general :))) ok have a nice day

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