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fyi, i'm revising chapters so if you see any chapters that come before these ones being "uploaded" it's just me fixing mistakes grammar wise and in the story :) so if you remember details that don't make sense, i fixed them. also there is an added author's note at the end if you want to read it :)

i was woken up by my phone going off across the room, in clothes that had been discarded last night. i found jimin asleep in my arms, seemingly unbothered by my annoying ringtone.

"hyung, if you don't go turn that fucking thing off, i'll push you off the bed."


i groaned and got up, trudging across the cold floor to my pile of clothes. i searched my pockets and found it in my hoodie, with about 15 texts, most from jin.

yoongi where are you
it's a sunday you're never up this early
yoongi don't fuck around, reply right now
min yoongi i swear
please answer yoongi
this isn't funny 

fuck hyung, i'm sorry
i took jimin out and we went back to his
i was sleeping

"shit." i mumble, but jimin still hears it. "who is it?" he asks from the bed.

"jin, he panicked and spammed my phone because i wasn't there when he woke up." my phone goes off.

oh thank god, i didn't want to have to call the cops.
and what do you mean 'went back to his place'?
are you still a virgin?

are you?

no, but i think you knew that

the entire street knows it, hyung
but nope i'm still a virgin, no worries

no worries?!
anyway, i don't entirely believe you. i still think you guys did something. i will find out yoongs, i promise :)

good luck with that.
do you need me home?

hoseok came looking for you and found namjoon instead, hoseok is flaming mad because 'he didn't wake up at 8 am for this shit'.

tell them to go away, i wanna spend some time with jimin, i'll be back around noon

ok, but you get to deal with hobi's temper tantrum

jimin's arms wrap around my waist to my stomach from behind and he gives me a gentle and sleepy hug.

"do you have to leave?" he mumbles into my back.

"i have to leave at noon, until then i'm yours." i put my hands over where his are resting on my stomach.


i take one of his hands and kiss it. "i love you." i say barely above a whisper. "god, it feels good to finally be able to say that."

he laughs, turning me around to face him and continues hugging me, his face buried in my chest, ear over my heart, which was speeding up at his contact. "i love you too, hyung. and it really does feel good to say that."

we head downstairs and take a seat on the couch, him turning the tv on and going to netflix. "do you wanna watch anything specifically?" he asks and i shake my head, and he seems glad i did as he quickly clicks on one of the shows in his list. it was an anime, but the theme song was in english.

jimin sort of read my mind and translated for me, probably having seen it before. "they're saying 'kiss, kiss, fall in love'."

"what's this show called?"

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