My "room mates"

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So getting away from pastas for a while, ghosts haven't been too much of an issue to me, but in the house I currently am, there's about three maybe four. I've had at least one experience with each of them. The first one looks like a teenage boy. He wears all black clothing, reddish brown hair, bright green eyes, and blood running down his face as if he'd been shot or had his head beaten in. The second is a little girl. Basically, imagine a little girl from the 1800s, but dead, and dirty clothes. The third, I can't tell a gender. Its face is distorted and I can't see the body, I'll explain why in a minute. The fourth, the one I'm not sure of, is a shadow. This one might be my own or my eyes playing ticks on me, but I can't tell. 

My experience with the boy was a little awkward. I was on my computer, watching YouTube and I wanted to play music and practice my on my dancing. As I was getting out of my chair I saw from the corner of my eye, a black figure. I went to turn to look at it and instead of disappearing like a trick, it stayed. I was just staring at this boy and he was staring back at me. I waved at him, not knowing what else I could do. I couldn't scream or bring attention to myself because my parents don't really believe in ghosts. He nodded his head slightly and as I went to say something like "What are you doing here?" or "Who are you?" it faded.

The girl is a bit more creepy. When I sleep, I have this weird habit of leaving my door open a crack, so there's this little sliver I can into the hallway, when I'm about to sleep. When I look through the crack some nights I can vaguely see the outline of a little kid. I thought it was just the darkness playing tricks on my eyes, but one night after a power outage, I brought a flashlight with me to bed in case I needed it i the middle of the night for a snack or bathroom or something. On this particular night, the little kid decided to show up again. I grabbed my flashlight, planning on breaking the shadows, and sat up. From where my bed is I didn't need to get up to shine the light out the crack, I could do it while sitting in bed. So, I did. Instead of an empty hallway, I was greeted by a pale face.  That's when I got up to investigate. When I got to the door, I opened it enough for my head to stick out, I was faced with this about 8 year old girl looking at me with pleading eyes. I asked in a whisper, not wanting to wake anyone, "What's wrong, sweetie?" I tried sounding like a mother so, the kid could feel somewhat relaxed around me. She pointed to a bear on my bed, I grabbed it, gave it to her, and she faded, leaving the bear on the floor. To this day, she peeks at me through the crack, but she doesn't bother me in any other way. 

The gender-less looking one is just like the little girl. Still around to this day, but doesn't bug me. Sometimes you think you see things peeking at you from around corners right? Well, this is basically what this one does. I was in the kitchen, making lunch for these two kids I was babysitting. How the kitchen is set-up, the fridge is right next to the corner that goes into the hall where my bedroom is, so opening the fridge side, covers the exit to the kitchen. I don't remember what I made or why I was looking in the fridge for this thing for their lunch, but I do remember getting my hand that was on the handle touched. It was a cold touch, conveniently, the boy of the two kids always had cold hands, so I thought it was him. I told him, to stop and that lunch would be done in a minute. I closed the door and looked at my hand, expecting his small hand, but Instead there was a clawed hand, shadows dancing inside it, and strands of cobweb covering it. I looked up and got greeted by a bloody, cobwebbed face. I didn't want to scare the kids so I put my untouched hand over my mouth and stared at this grotesque face about 7 inches away from mine. It let go of my hand and rounded the corner fading into the end of the hall, I looked over at the kids in the living room, but their eyes were glued to the cartoons on tv.

Then, the shadow. This one is confusing. Unlike the rest of the ghosts mentioned in the chapter, this one seems to go where ever I am and when it feels like showing up. One time I was at my cousin's house, and we were playing Minecraft on his Xbox. This was one of our normal sleepovers that we would do. He went to use his bathroom, which left me to building my castle for our building contest. His Xbox is in his living room and in the corner there's this wooden and glass case that holds a bunch of little statues and pictures and one doll. If you were to look inside the case from the front, in the back there's a mirror showing the back of all the things inside and of course anyone looking inside of it. I paused my side of the game to go pet one of his three dogs that walked in the room. The dog, Stella, a beagle, went over to the dog beds that are in front of the case. So, in order to pet er, I had to go in front of the case. When I was done, I glanced in the mirror of the back of the case and noticed a shadow on the floor. At first I wasn't to disturbed by it because it looked like someone was crouching behind this chair waiting for someone to come around and give them a fright. I thought it was my cousin trying to play a prank on me after the bathroom, but then I saw him coming out of the bathroom down the hall. I looked down at the shadow and it looked like whoever was crouching behind the chair, got up, walked to the front door then it vanished. 

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