The Creek

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So this is the memory I promised a few chapters back. Like I said this happened when I was 5 and it's one of the few things I can remember from this particular time. Back then, I was being baby sat by my mom's friend. This woman had three sons, the oldest we'll call Nick, the middle we'll call Antonio, and the youngest/my age we'll call Logan. Behind their house was this creek that whinds all the way to the next neighborhood over and I loved that creek. Best part of being baby sat. Pretty much every time I was there, we'd go in and explore and have fun. One day in October we decided to see if the creek was haunted. We all went to a wound-a-bout around an old tree and me and Logan started calling out random questions. Nick shut us up and pulled out a piece of string with a washer tied to the end of it. He held it up and asked more realistic questions than me and Logan's. Soon after the washer started swinging. I don't remember much of what was said, but I remember asking if whatever we were talking to could knock or throw something. Then we heard three knocks. Me and Logan freaked out, we were happy. Nick and Antonio literally dragged us out of there and we stayed near the house for the rest of the day. Now knowing that three knocks is usually a sign of demonic energy and it's a way of mocking the holy trinity, I can understand why they dragged us out of there.

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