Jeff The Killer Attacked

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So, this literally just happened and I'm so scared, angry, and confused about it. I was talking to my ex boyfriend, but he's still a friend and we're on good term then he starts watching videos during our video call. The videos were creepypasta voice videos. Like, someone does an impression of a creepypasta. I don't like them, they give those previously mentioned panic attack. As he was watching, I was listening since he didn't have his camera on. Then, everything gets dead quiet. No sound at all. So, I try talking to him and type some messages through email, then I heard a small bump from the other end of the call. I stayed quiet in case more noises popped up and a laugh started. It wasn't deep, but it wasn't high, about in the middle. It was slightly scratchy, but you could make out what it was. After a few seconds the laugh went away and I kept asking "Are you okay?" to the other line. There was dead quiet again. I stopped asking and just listened. Then I heard a clear as day whisper from my speakers say "He's dead now." and someone hung up the call. I immediately start spamming emails, demanding an explanation and giving threats to the person. They eventually respond with "Shut up kid"

I got mad and responded with "FUCK YOU! WHO ARE YOU?!"

"They call me killer, jeff the killer."

 "Oh really? The infamous Jeffery Woods. So help me god and I swear on your brother, I will kill you, if you did anything."

"You? Kill me? Don't make me laugh kid."

"I can and I will. Go ahead and laugh your ass off for all I care. I'll fucking shove your own knife up your ass."

"Ow, the little kid tries to kill me. Ups, I made a cut in his shoulder, sorry."

Getting scared my friend's safety I say "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, JUST LEAVE HIM BE!!"

"No, bye"

"Please leave him alone." 

I said something after that to confuse him, but since it's not real, I'm not gonna add that. Anyway, so after that I waited for a response, but nothing happened. Jeff (or my friend if this was just a prank) got offline. The voice sounded similar to my friend's and the grammar in "Ow, the little kid tries to kill me. Ups, I made a cut in his shoulder, sorry." sounds like my friend's because English isn't his first language. It's spanish. With that being said a lot of you are probably wondering, "WHY ARE YOU WRITING 'BOUT THIS ON WATTPAD?! GET THE POLICE AND AN AMBULANCE!!!" To which I respond, I can't. His first language is spanish because he was born in Spain. He still lives there and I'm in america. So, if I was to get the police, the american legal system couldn't have done anything. I just have to wait till his parents or a friend of his finds out what happened if it's real. After that, I'll just have to hope and pray that he's alive and will make it out okay. If it's fake, I won't be mad, because the last time he did a prank involving the pastas, his no good friend (Who'll we'll call Jacob) told him to. It could be the same case. Every other time that he got attacked I know was real because of photo and audio evidence that was shown. I'm afraid that Jeff will be after me next, I'm hoping for my friend's safety, then I'm hoping for my own. 

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