The Memory

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This will be the memory I mentioned in the previous chapter. This is actually the first time the paranormal isn't my experience. It was my cousin's (kinda) who I'll call Brittney. So, a couple months ago Brittney's grandma got a text from a medium. I don't know everything that was said during that conversation, but the medium said something along the lines of: "A clock has stopped ticking" Brittney's grandma didn't understand so she kept looking at clocks and watches to see if any of them broke. However, a few days later, her husband died. (Brittney's grandpa) Mourning the death of her husband and still trying to figure out the clock that broke, one night she got her answers.

One night as she was laying in bed, she felt the covers lift up and felt someone lay next to her. She knew it was her husband. She heard a ticking...She sat up, realizing it was his heart. His heart made a ticking sound, so it was called his "Ticker" or his "Time Ex" which is a brand of watches. She said out loud: "Your time ex!" Then the ticking stopped. She says that he's appeared sitting in chairs or standing in the corner of the kitchen. I don't know about those, but I know the medium and the ticking was true. 

Another experience Brittney (one that was actually hers) had was when she was around 10 years old. She was staying at her aunt's house, I think, and before her aunt lived there, there was another family. Husband, wife, and at least 2 kids. Theyre might've been 3, I'm not sure. She would tell me that the husband would walk loudly in the halls, the wife would talk in the kitchen and living room and turn the kitchen sink on. The kids would giggle and run around or just appear and stare at you. One time she said that the husband came into her room in the night and came right up to her bed. She froze and watched as the man reached a hand out to her and gently caress her cheek. Then he disappeared. Like any little kid, she ran to sleep with her aunt. 

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