Sorry, Putting Journal On Hold

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Okay, change of plans, the chapter AFTER this one will have the contents of my journal. For one, I couldn't find it, so I gotta look for it and two, something just happened that I wanna make a short thing about.

Imagine this: You're doing something that's in your normal schedule, like school, work, hobbies, anything. Then, you start feeling uncomfortable in your clothes, you get the sense of being watched. Nothing too bad. "Just paranoia" people say. Right after that, however, your arms start twitching, then your legs, then your head. The twitching gets worse and worse, twitching to jerking, jerking to spazzing. You hold your hair tightly in your fists and clench your eyes shut so hard they start to water. You just have to sit and wait it out because there's nothing you can do about it. You stop twitching, and start trying to move your body, mostly the torso, to get comfortable in your clothes again, your breathing is out of order and rhythm, you start mumbling to yourself to calm down. Unfortunately, you don't have control over it, so anytime you start doing it in public with friends or family and they notice, they say "Stop that. You look retarded and you're not." So you have to do everything in your power to hold back everything.

That happened to me today, about 20 minutes after I post this chapter, but I wasn't in public, I was by myself. I don't know what these are called, maybe seizures, maybe something else, but I call them Panic Attacks because I get the sense of paranoia. (like in the example)  My parents think I'm acting when it happens, so they don't try to seek medical help if it's a disorder or something like that. On a few occasions, I can hallucinate during these. One time, for example, I was in the corner of my room having one. For whatever reason, having had my eyes closed shut, I felt like I needed to open them, so I did. I saw a pair of legs against the wall across from me, who/what that was, was wearing grey-ish black dress pants and black shiny dress shoes. I closed my eyes again. I heard a noise, opened my eyes again, and this time a new pair of legs were there and closer to my face. This time the legs were wearing faded pair of blue jeans and there was a pair of white tennis shoes with black stripes on the side. (I'm not exactly sure, but I think the dressy pair was Slender and the jeans were Jeff) Other times your heart can get faster or slower, and even though it doesn't, it can feel like it stopped.  

I'm not sure what causes these, if anyone else has them, why they happen at random times. If any of you have questions about them, let me know though. I'll answer to the best of my abilities. As the title says, I apologize for the journal chapter not being up, but the next one I promise will be.  

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