Jeff at school?

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So, yeah that might've happened today. Near the school there's like this abandoned field that, I think, used to be used for soccer and  track & field things. After lunch, we go out on this patio that's outside the cafeteria so we get a 15 minute break from learning. The abandoned field is across the street and down a small hill from the patio. From the patio, you can see half or 3/4 of the field. I was talking to a few friends and noticed someone walking around in the field like, going back and forth in one long line. I pointed them out to Andrew and a few other boys. Everyone started screaming and yelling to get the person's attention.  Some of them was joking around by pretending to walk over to the field to fight the person but came back to the patio laughing before they even got 10 feet away. I join in and start yelling for the person. I notice that they're wearing a white hoodie and and blue jeans, and have raven black hair. Noticing that, I started yelling "Jeff! Hey, Jeff! Come on man, square up, you scaredy cat!"After that, the person stopped walking in the line and came closer to the school a little. I think I'm the only one that noticed. As the person was walking, they looked up and I thought I saw a big bloody (well, red. could've been bad make-up, or face paint, but at the time I thought it was blood.) smile on it's face. I start shaking my head and thinking "What the--?" Then almost immediately after thinking that they walked off in the direction of a nature trail and creek and out of view. I asked Andrew and a boy, who I'll call Darren, if they saw that. They both responded "The person? Yeah. Why? What happened? Wasn't he just walking?" I said that I was pointing out the man and didn't say anything of what happened. I don't know who that was or what they were doing, but I didn't like them.

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