Some Strange Dreams

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Dreams are weird. Most of us, I think, have them. They're windows to a part of our minds that we can't see otherwise. Sometimes they have deeper meanings or show something big that's gonna come up. Now something about me, I don't get nightmares too often. What people would normally call a nightmare I think "Well, a bloody/creepy dream again, what's new?" My mind just doesn't care when something like that happens. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a few times when I wake up and think "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!" It's not often though. However, I remember some dreams and usually the ones I remember are the "creepy" ones. So, here's the ones I can remember. (I'm getting this from a doc and a journal that I write them down in, so just like the other journal, I'm typing it word for word. And yes, I named the drams.)

The Woman

As always I was on my computer, when I started getting an uneasy feeling. What I was doing started to glitch, so I went upstairs to wait for it to fix itself. As I was passing mom's old bedroom, the uneasy feeling got worse. I ran up the stairs. Some time later, I come back down and the screen on the computer is a camera. Looking down on a woman in mom's old bed. (And by "old room" and stuff is she moved from that room to a different room with new furniture. She's not dead, she's alive and well, so don't get the wrong idea from this dream.) The woman had black hair, pale skin, cloth over her eyes, blood dripping out of her mouth, a blanket on her torso, and hospital stuff around the bed. She reached an arm up towards the camera. "Help me, dear. Please. I'm trapped in here." she said, a soft whisper of a voice. "I-I'm sorry, miss. I don't know how." I had replied. "Just OPEN THE DOOR." she said, getting louder with each word. I turn away from the computer to look at the door of the bedroom.  The small basement I was in turned and stretched into a long hallway, at the far end was mom's room. Turning back to the screen, I shook my head. A blood curdling scream came from the speakers and I booked it upstairs once more. I try telling my mom and grandma, but the think I'm just being stupid. I go back down and go to the far end of the hall. I opened the door and immediately, my hair gets pulled and I'm dragged inside the room. I got thrown onto the bed, hitting some of the hospital equipment and I heard a gunshot. 

School Is Safe? (I'm not saying it's not, but that's what I called it.)

I was school in my first period class. I think to myself, "That's unusual. Why am I sitting up front?" I always sit in the back right corner. I turn and look at the other students behind me. My friends are closest to my seat and everyone is staring at me. I turn back around, slightly creeped out and the teacher's phone rings. "Hello?" a deep male's voice comes from the other line, it's mechanical too, he responds to the teacher with, "Hello. I'm sorry, kids, but your teacher has failed to teach you correctly. He will be terminated in 20 minutes. Children, leave the room." Without any sort of panic or concern, everyone gets up and leaves the room. I saw them standing in the hallway through the door's window. I got up last and stood in the doorway, worried about my teacher. The teacher nodded and smiled at me. I closed the door behind me as I walk into the hallway. Everyone's gone. The only person other than me was a friend of mine, but she wasn't part of my first class. At least she was acting normal. "What's going on?" I asked her. "I don't know, but I don't like it." she said in a whimper. I look up and down the hall, wondering where everyone went. As if answering, my friend pointed at my math class. "In there." she said. I look and walked up to the door. I knocked on it, as if I didn't I'd get hurt/killed like my first hour teacher. The door creaked open and my math teacher came out, now standing in the hallway with me. Instead of the school I was going to, the hall turned into a different school's hall from the same district. We were in the corner and something in the back of my head was telling me the beldam from Coraline was doing this. I started begging my math teacher to help the other teacher, but he kept refusing and saying everything was fine and normal. I grabbed the collar of his black shirt and stared him dead in the eyes, growling. "If you don't do something, so help me God, I will make sure you won't live to see the sun come up." I threatened. With that, he ran in the direction that my mind told me was the direction of my other teacher. I walked to a classroom and open the door to find someone I know, but isn't a friend  sitting alone in the middle of the room. Other than her, it was empty. "You know what's going on?" she asked when she noticed me. "No idea. Come on. Let's try to find anybody that's acting normally." We leave and we're suddenly in the choir room. Out of the two of us, I'm the only one in choir at the time. My friend from before was standing on my right and the other girl was standing on my left. Everyone else was surrounding us. The choir teacher was drawing something on the white board, but when she turned there was nothing. Her eyes were black and soulless. She snapped her fingers and the rest of the kids plus her came towards me and the other girls. I ran and left the girls to fight everyone. I eventually, find Andrew and one of my best friends. They weren't normal, but they weren't insane like everyone else. Andrew started laughing like crazy and jumped at my best friend. She fought back and I ran for the door, leaving the chaos and the dream altogether.  

~Author's Note~ I know this was only two, but I again, couldn't find my journal, so I used my doc instead. Only these two seemed weird and creepy enough to mention. I mean there was another one, but it said so much personal stuff that I don't think it would make sense with me changing things, as to not give personal information. So, sorry. 

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