The Shadow/s

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As some may remember, I mentioned a shadow in the 'My "Roomates"' chapter. Either, that same shadow as been showing up a lot more or it recently got a bunch of shadow friends. Things have been appearing everywhere. Just today, I've had about 4 experiences with them and I've only been awake for 3 hours. 

The first experience of today was when I was brushing my hair. I was in the kitchen because I was talking with my mom at the same time. I went to put the brush in its rightful place when a ball of shadows whizzed by me and vanished at the window.

The second was when I was eating breakfast. I was eating in my bedroom, watching YouTube on my bed with my meal in my lap. I have a chair next to bed so there's more seating when friends come over if we want to watch tv. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a dark figure getting up, like someone was sitting in front of the chair then got up. The figure stretched it's arms then vanished walking out of my view.

The third was when I was curled up on my bed. I was still watching YouTube, but I was under the blanket, covering everything but my head. However, my hair had started falling in my eyes. I went to brush it out and once I could see again, there was a hunched over figure in front of my mirror and lamp. After a minute, it ducked under the bed and out of sight.

The fourth one has been going on for about a week now. I love to dance, so every time I do I go to an empty room so no one watches me. Recently, while dancing I've seen figures appear in the doorway then vanish after being looked at for a few seconds. I only notice them because I feel when their eyes landing on me. When the feeling of being watched doesn't go away, I look up and there one of them are. 

The shadow used to not be to much of a deal, but things have been...rough recently, to say the very best of it. I don't know if I'm hallucinatingdue to the feelings and events that have been going on or the shadow just decided to pester me more, but whatever the reason, it doesn't help my case. I usually ignore the fact anything was there once the go away because they just appear to my eyes. If they were to touch or talk to me, it'd be a different story.

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