Strange Happenings

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So the past two days have been a little weird and freaky. Especially what I just saw, but I'll get to that later. Yesterday, I started hearing a weird sound throughout the day. Like a shuffling sound or someone moving around to be more exact. The first time I heard this it was in my room. I had the lights off and I was just chilling under the blanket watching YouTube. I was laying on my side facing the door with my tablet standing pretty close to my face. The way I was facing made it to where the only thing behind me was a small stack of two totes, a big dog pillow, and a big stuffed hippo. All of that stacked on top of each other with a very small amount of room in between that and the corner. That space is big enough only for a thin child, unlike anyone in my house. So I was scrolling through YouTube to find a video when I heard the sound of shuffling. It only lasted a second, so I didn't think much of it. Then it happened again about a minute later. So, I looked in the corner and was greeted by the shadow form of a child. From the height, it looked like the average 10 year old. I immediately get out of bed and head to my light switch, not once taking my eyes off the figure. It didn't leave until I turned the lights on. I didn't turn them back off for hours.

During those hours, I had left my bedroom to stretch my legs, get something to eat or drink, etc. So, I'd be in different rooms of the house. A few times I was in the kitchen and I'd hear movement like someone walking past the kitchen and into the living room. Of course, no one would be there when I look. And right across the hall from the kitchen is the stairs to go to the front door then the basement if you round a corner. So just looking through the doorway, that'll be the first thing you see. If the sound isn't from the living room it would be like someone walking up the stairs. This would always happen in I'm alone so sometimes I think it's the house settling, but other times I'm not so sure.

This morning however I was sitting on my bed again watching YouTube and I was watching something funny, so obviously I laughed. As I was laughing, I heard someone else's laughter. The video was still playing so I thought it was that. To amuse myself, I paused and the laughter kept going. It was a very young male's voice and a little glitchy. It sounded like it was coming from right outside my door, but my door was open and I didn't see anyone there. Right after the laughter stopped, YouTube closed out and Wattpad turned on. I could've hit the button on my tablet to do that by accident, but it was so perfectly timed that I'm not sure. If it wasn't me, I have a certain elf twink in mind of who done it because he's the only one i knkw to do things like this. 

Now for the thing I just saw before writing this chapter is a bit scary and I'm letting all of you know that this is a trigger warning for some people. Just in case. If suicide makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading this paragraph. It's not too big and I'm not going too deep into detail, but in case. Since that's out of the way, you could probably guess what I saw. My mom was in my room going through some things we might donate, so I went into the spare bedroom to read in private. As much as it pained me to do so, it was the only empty room close enough. I was in there for I wanna say a good half hour or so reading Wattpad and drawing. My mom was out of my room before then, but I had gotten comfortable and I was having fun drawing. When I finally decided to leave, I had turned off the light and was about to close the door when I noticed something that almost made me drop my stuff. In the corner, was a silhouette of someone hanging from the ceiling by their neck. I couldn't depict a gender or age because 1. It was too dark and 2. I closed the door soon after seeing it. I don't know why something like that would appear because I know for sure no one has died in this house before we moved in. Unless there was a house that was torn down and mine was built over it, and someone committed suicide in that one, nothing like that should've popped up. I really want to believe that it was just weird shadow casting and my brain used that image to make sense of the shape, but I don't know. However, if this was a ghost showing me it's death, a suicide would make sense as to why I feel so uncomfortable in and near that room. 

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