Laughing Jack

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We all know who this guy is, right? If not, he's a monochrome clown. He was created by angels for a little boy named Isaac, like an imaginary friend. However, like all kids, Isaac grew up and kinda forgot about Jack. Jack lost his color and became black and white. Since he was made to be the perfect friend for Isaac, when Isaac started raping and killing girls, Jack went insane has well, killing Isaac, one of Isaacs girlfriends, and I believe Isaacs dad too. Now, we goes after little kids and occasionally teenagers. He'll gain a little kids trust by pretending he's their imaginary friend, play with them, and give them candy. Eventually, he gives them a poisoned candy, making it to where they have to watch him rip their organs out and "decorate" the room with them. When he goes after teens, he stalks them and eventually kills them or spares them depending on what he feels like doing. Oh, and he was made like a jack in the box (Laughing Jack In The Box) So he plays the song Pop goes The Weasel sometimes when he's around. 

Now that everyone is caught up on that, I was out and about yesterday and I remembered a few experiences I've had with Jack. I wanna say this particular one happened 3 or 4 years ago. I was in the kitchen makin some lunch when I heard a faint laugh. It sounded muffled and like a high pitched male. I thought it was the tv in the other room and didn't pay too much attention to it. It wasn't even a minute later when Pop Goes the Weasel started playing right outside the kitchen door way. I looked at the entry way for a few seconds before deciding to grab a knife and go into the hallway. By the time I had a knife in my hand the song stopped. I peeked my head out and looked in the living room to my right, nothing. I look to the left and at the end of the hallway was a tall, black haired, black and white wearing clown. I heard the laugh again from behind me, I looked, nothing, looked back at the end of the hall, the clown was gone. I went back in the kitchen, put the knife away but still close to me in case, and continued my day. Nothing else happened. 

In 5th grade I was on the school's track team, or the tug team to be exact. Basically this means that at the end of the day, before school ended, everyone on the track team would leave their classes and head to the field for practice. For about a month of practic, everything was normal, hard work and running. Then, one day as I was walking back inside after practice to get my stuff and get on the bus, I heard Pop Goes The Weasel. Now the field was right next to a patch of woods, like go in the field, go up a hill, and your staring at the woods. So, the song sounded like it was coming from there, then moments after a little girl screamed. No one else seemed to notice it so I thought I was hearing things. However, this went on for 2 or 3 weeks before stopping suddenly. Each day it would switch from a girl screaming then the next be a boy then next be a girl and so on. I always strayed to the back of the group so I could hear the whole thing, in case something new would happen like a laugh or sirens or something. Nothing ever changed except the boy and girl screaming. And it was always at the same time, it always happened at the end of practice, and we were all walking to the school. I eventually got tired of hearing this, so I asked if anyone else would hear it. They either said no or that it was kids from another school back there. I highly doubted and still do, that their was a school back in those woods or beyond. If it was just kids screamin on the play ground or something and it was just another school, I would think that that school and mine should've been far enough away from each so we would hear screams of kids playing.

I've told the story in my Music Box chapter to people in real life and some people think that it was Laughing Jack pulling something. In all honesty, I could believe that, but I don't know if I want to. Anyway, I have more experiences with him, but they're kind of personal, so I might not ever put them here. In the long and short of it, I get scared and worried for someone's safety, have a mental break down, and cry a lot. Pop Goes The Weasel plays in each experience and that's all I'm saying. 

And this has nothing to do with Jack, but it such a small thing that I don't want to make a chapter on this alone. So, yesterday I was doing something in my journal when I noticed cuts/scratches on my hand. Two of them. One on my thumb and one on my knuckle. They were relatively small and they didn't look too deep or serious. However the one on my knuckle did have a dot of dried blood, so that one was enough to make me bleed. They looked almost healed, so I don't when or how I got them. To me personally, they look like a scratch from a kitten or puppy when they're playing and accidently claw you. 

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