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So quite a few things happened today. One thing was a memory and I'll post that later, but I think someone is deciding to be a jerk and trickster with me. I was in the spare bedroom from the "Footsteps, Face, and Figures" chapter. I was going through some old clothes when I hear something fall in another room. I was alone upstairs and I had the door closed. I opened it and checked every room, nothing was out of place. Yesterday in that same room, I was making a video as a little gift for someone. As I was recording, the light bulb that had went out came back on then went out again. I stared at it, got up from where I was sitting, and went to the doorway. It came back on a moment later. I talked to thin air saying "Knock it off! I'm trying to film." and nothing else went wrong. I stupidlly deleted that video, not thinking of evidence, and started making a new one. Comin back to today, I went into the bedroom again and stood in the doorway. I said "Hey, if you're gonna be doing something, please stay away from the bedrooms. They're cramped and our personal spaces." then I left and continued my day.

That happened around 4:20 pm. It's currently 9:30 pm. 29 minutes ago I was reading another person's Paranormal Experiences book when I started hearing this weird sound coming from the corner of my room. It was in the corner that my tv is in and it was either coming from behind or in front of the tv. It was off, no noise should've been heard. It sounded like the ringing a phone makes when there's no one on the other line, but glitchy. I looked at the corner and said "Can you stop? I'm trying to read." and it got really loud for a moment. It was like whatever it was got mad at me, then it stopped. Right after that, I felt hands on my shoulders and something like someone putting their chin on my head. As if someone was trying to peer over my shoulder and look at what I was reading. In an attempt to stop that feeling of being touched, I layed down on my stomach with the tablet in front of me. Immediately, I felt a hand on the back of my left thigh and a hand on the heel of my right foot. I sighed and lifted my feet into the air. The "hands" moved to my back. I sat up like I was before and the "hands" went back to my shoulders and upper arms. They haven't left since, so I guess I'm stuck with it. 

~Author's Note~ I'm postingt this the day after it happened because I'm tired and I might've made a lot of grammar/spelling mistakes that I'll need to fix. (Today is 7-17-18) The day your seeing this I'll be writing another chapter about a memory I had about something that happened a few months ago.

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