Power of a mind.

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I wake the next morning thoroughly impressed to see that I was still on my own. I did have a passing thought that he'd scale the house from the outside and climb through the window.

Edward Cullen eat your heart out... Wait, he probably would.

I check my phone straight away to see a message from him first thing this morning.

- Good morning. Slept terribly. Came to your door three times, before Bailey growled at me to go back to bed. Haha. We'll be waiting for you... Whenever you are ready. Z xx

I frown at the bad nights sleep part but I smile at the rest of the message and pull myself up out of bed. I'm determined to try and think positive, even if my sub conscious was telling me to curl up and hide. Hide from the world and everything in it!

Whatever happened, I had Zak. I had to be grateful, I have to be grateful for that. For him...

Unlocking the bedroom door, I carefully peek from outside of it before heading along the landing, not seeing him in sight. I have my phone in my hand, just in case. The last thing I want to do is miss that call.

I walk downstairs and check all the rooms until I come to a halt outside the garage door. Realising he was using his gym equipment, I contemplate watching when I realise I'm still in a shirt and my underwear. Me showing up in that and watching him all sweaty will do neither of us any favours. So I grab my bag from the lounge and head back up to the bedroom.

I shower and make myself presentable incase I'm called back to the hospital, then leave the bedroom to find the house still silent.

Normally when he worked out, music would blast from speakers and he would be yelling or grunting in tension and stress but today he was quiet. I wondered if it was because he thought that he would wake me and was being courteous or if he had a headache from the bad nights sleep.

I return to the kitchen, to find that he had his pre-workout smoothie this morning, meaning he would need a post workout meal now. I check the levels of his protein shake mix before deciding he can have protein powder pancakes and when I see strawberries and blueberries, I'm sold for pancakes too!

I'm whisking up batter when arms snake around my waist and a kiss is pressed onto my neck gently as the smell of a sweat ridden man nuzzles into me.

"You smell hot but gross." I giggle as he growls playfully.

"I missed you last night." He mumbled before pulling his head from my neck to watch me work.

"I slept right through. I'm sorry." I answer.

"You were exhausted, I don't blame you. You also look ravishing today. I can't wait to hear the all clear becau-"

"Don't. Don't say that, incase I'm not and I'll be disappointed for you as well. It's hard enough already."

"You're right. Sorry baby." He answered. "So what do you want to do today?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I have work at–"

"Ah.. You um, you don't have work now."

I paused my hands and turned to face him, "How come?"

"Well, I kind of called you in.. Again." He admits. For a few seconds I feel angry with him, angry for interfering but then I realise it's probably the safest thing to do. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything and I would constantly be checking my phone. No manager wants someone who's going to do that on their time..

Eternal Embers #TheWattys2018Where stories live. Discover now