Safety net

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I had tried, countless amount of times, I had closed my eyes to sleep but nothing was happening in my brain, apart from the beating feeling in my skull of the events from yesterday.

It was early morning, the sun hadn't come up yet but I had resigned into knowing sleep was not coming to me, and that today was set to be a long hard struggle.

Eventually, I gave up.

Pushing the bedding off my body, I sat up and set my legs over the side of the bed. Only stiffening when I felt Zak's hand go up under my shirt and rub my bare back. His fingers trailing up my spine before pressuring his hand down to ease some of the tension.

"You're so tense.. It's no wonder you can't sleep..." He speaks quietly.

"It's like history is repeating itself..." I breathe looking out the balcony doors.

"I guess in a way it is.. But what happened between us, won't ever happen again. I don't want to lose what we have Mina, ever again."

I cock my head back slightly "But we almost did. Look at how manipulative he is."

"I know and I'm sorry for accusing you, how I've acted these past few days and for elbowing you in the face. How is your nose?"

"Tender, but I'll live. You know, I think that sedative would be a freakin good idea right now." I shook my head and glanced back at the moon.

"Are you wondering about Hunter? If he can be trusted?"

"That and a few other things.. Like how he has been following me around, or his investigator has. Zak.." I moved away causing his hand to fall from my back. Turning, I faced him on the bed "What if he's... You know."

"Hurt you?" Zak questioned. We both knew I meant whilst I was drugged. "Then I'll personally destroy him, but I think he hasn't ventured that far. You'd know? Wouldn't you?"

I shrug "I guess. I mean.. When we do things, I know."

"And you've felt okay? No pain, discomfort or... Or blood?"

I shook my head.

"Then I don't think he's got that far. I guess we have some luck. But listen to me, no matter what you feel like right now, I still love you and you're still beautiful in my eyes."

I took his large hand from the bed and held it between both of mine. "I don't deserve you."

He scoffed "Are you kidding? You're so far out of my league on every scale, I'm gripping on by the skin of my teeth. I've treated you so badly and I promise, I'm going to make it all up to you."


"You'll see. Just you wait.."

"I don't like surprises Zak." I mutter.

"You'll love this one."


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