Scolded by fear.

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"Stay at my house." Zak demands as I sit in the lounge.

"There's no need. Whoever it is won't come back now, not after Ron gave them a scare."

He scoffs "Mina, have you seen the state of his face?"

I frown and look to my nails, poor Ron's face had gone an awful shade of purple, so much so, that the officer wrapped up the questioning in favour of taking him to hospital. When I explained that nothing was taken, it was a pretty open and shut case, until I remembered Ron's injuries.

But he explained that the attacker had a mask & gloves on. That he couldn't tell them from Adam. So his witness statement was now useless.

Zak however wanted a damn SWAT team posted outside. Over the top reaction from him was making me curious as to why he was on the defence so fast.

"What are you hiding?" I ask making the blood drain from his face.

"N-nothing. Why would you ask that?"

"You're on edge."

"Am I? Maybe because I don't want my girlfriend staying here after she's been broke into?"

"I'm fine."

"Well Bailey won't be if you don't come home with me. He'll be whining the house down. Please Mina?"

"Fine. Okay." I rise off the couch "I just don't understand why someone would break in and not take anything?"

"Chancer? Maybe him being disturbed stopped him taking anything?"

I hum in agreement and walk up the stairs with Zak following close behind. He scouts out every room before I'm allowed inside it, as if it would be booby trapped.

"Your landlord was quick in sorting a new door and lock."

"Yeah, it was.." I pull a small case from under my bed. "How long am I packing for?"

"For as long as possible. Call me selfish, but I don't want you coming back here, not whilst I'm home."

Something told me, that he wouldn't want me here even if he was away, but I don't say anything.  I simply nod and walk towards my Chester of drawers before pausing "So what about when you're away?"

"I don't know. I don't really want to go anywhere. I want to be here, with you."

"I'm sure the crew will be happy to hear that you're not taking lockdowns because of me. Seriously I'm fine."


I pull open my draw and pause. "So shall we say 4 days?"

"A week."

"I don't think my case is big enough." I laugh.

"Fine, we will come back after the four days and get you fresh clothes."

I smile and begin tossing things into the case. I'm just about to throw underwear inside it when I pause.

"That's weird.." I check the case before pulling the draw out and emptying it onto the bed.

Where's it gone?

"What's up?" He asks putting his phone down.

"I– it's nothing. Just me I expect." I lie.

It was definitely here, I was going to wear it this morning...


"I think.. I think I have some panties missing." I answer watching as a dark cloud goes over Zak's face.

He gets off the bed "Stay there."

Eternal Embers #TheWattys2018Where stories live. Discover now