Playing With The Hunters As A Wolf = Bad Idea

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Percy's POV
I don't know how I should feel about this. "Percy?" Thalia called out on the other side of the tent. I panicked so bad. I quickly dashed under my bed. They entered my tent and gasped noticing I wasn't in my bed. They dashed out and soon more hunters entered my room. "See Artemis he isn't here," Thalia told her. I couldn't see much, but I assume she was thinking. "I think I might know what happened to him," Artemis told them "bring Phoebe here," she told one of the hunters. "You needed me, M'lady?" Phoebe asked Artemis. "Yes, Phoebe when you saved Percy who was biting him?" Artemis asked her. "It was Lycaon..." Phoebe gasped as she realized what Artemis was thinking. "Is Percy a wolf?" Thalia asked them. "Yes Thalia he his" Artemis said to her
"Do you think he took off because he thought you would kill him?" Maria asked. "It's a possibility," Artemis said. "We're going after him right?" Thalia asked her. "Of course" Artemis replied. They were about to turn and head out the door when I quickly ran out from under the bed. Everyone in the room looked at me in shock. "Percy?" Artemis asked. I gave her a bark. I hopped on my bed and wagged my tail. Thalia came over and scratched behind my ear which felt like I was in heaven. "Okay, Percy to turn back you just need to think about being a human" Artemis explained. I nodded my head and did what she told me. When I was done I sighed in relief when I saw I wasn't naked. "Will I always turn into a wolf on a full moon?" I asked. "Luckily for you, you won't," Artemis told me. "What time is it?"  I asked them. "It's about 8:00, we're having a campfire. Do you want to join us?" Thalia asked me. "Yeah sure, just let me get dressed"
Everyone nodded their heads and left the tent.
I changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a black hoodie. I walk out of my tent and saw everyone by the fire. I smiled at the scene. I walked toward them and Thalia noticed me. I sat next to her. " Do the rest of the hunt know about me being able to turn into a wolf?" I asked. "Yeah they know, why though?" I changed into a wolf and put my head on Thalia's leg. Thalia reaches down and pets my back "you just wanted me to pet you didn't you" I only nodded my head causing Thalia to laugh. She continued to pet me and I could feel myself falling asleep on her leg.

I open my eyes and see I fell asleep during the campfire.i was going to get up when I noticed Thalia sleeping on my side. I carefully shift back to normal trying not to wake her up. I pick her up bridal style and start heading towards her tent. I heard Thalia giggle while I was carrying her. "How long have you been awake?" I asked her. "Since you shifted back," she says. I placed her down on the ground. " sorry for waking you" I apologized. "Don't be" she said placing her head on my shoulder. "I have an idea and it may be the dumbest idea ever," I say to her. "Yeah, and what's they?" She asked. "Well, it involves the hunters and me as a wolf and you guys trying to catch me using traps and such" I explained to her. " that's the dumbest plan ever...I love it" she says in excitement.

"You sure you want to go through with this" Thalia asked me. "Yep," I say and shift into a wolf before taking off into the woods. I ran far out into the woods and dove into a bush. I waited until I saw Hunters running by before planning out what I was going to do. I carefully step out of the bush. I thought I was good until I heard stomping. I look behind me and see a crap ton of deer. I take off running I had to stop running because I was approaching a cliffside.  I growled trying to make them scare dead run off but they only came closer and closer. I shifted back and see the hunters coming out of the woods. Thalia noticed me and started running towards me. I looked down a saw a river. I look back at that and mouth I'm sorry before jumping off the cliff.

Betrayed| a Percy Jackson Fanfic *currently rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now