Maria's Father Is Revealed

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Thalia's POV
"NO!" I screamed as Percy jumped off the cliff. I ran towards the edge of the cliff and looked down. There was no sight of him. I fall to my knees and sob into my hands. I feel someone hug me tightly. I remove my hands and saw it was Maria who was hugging me. I hugged her back and we cried together. "Look!" Phoebe calls out. I look down the cliff and see Percy washed up on shore. I quickly make my way down the cliff trying to get to Percy. I got next to him and placed his head on my lap. Percy looked horrible. His robes were tattered and he had a gash going down his temple. Maria came up next to me. She looked like she was going to cry. "H-Hey guys" I looked down and saw Percy looking at us. "Percy, are you okay?" Maria asked him. "Yeah I'm okay" I could tell Percy was lying. I went to say something when I heard growling from in the woods.

A pack of about 8 hellhounds came walking towards the three of us. I laid Percy down and grabbed my bow. One of them went to charge so I quickly shot it. I looked and saw another one try and get Percy. "Stop!" Maria yelled out and a wave came and crashed down killing the hellhounds and soaking us in the process. I looked at Percy "it wasn't me" he told me. I looked at him in shock. "that means that..." I stopped to look at Maria who looked shocked. suddenly there was a flash and I closed my eyes so I didn't get disintegrated. the flash died down and  Artemis and Poseidon were standing before us. "what happened?" Artemis asked crossing her arms.  "We were playing and..."  "I wasn't paying attention and I fell off the cliff." Percy interrupted.

Poseidon looked at Percy before kneeling in front of Maria. "Dad?" Maria asked Poseidon.  Poseidon nodded and smiled at Maria  "yes Maria, I'm your dad" Poseidon told her. Maria smiled and hugged Poseidon tightly. Percy smiled at his dad and Maria. "what not going to hug your half-brother?" Percy teased. Maria stopped hugging Poseidon and hugged Percy. percy winced a bit but hugged Maria back. Percy stopped hugging Maria and tried to get up, but struggled a bit. "need any help?" I asked him. percy sighed "can you?" "of course," I said walking up to him. I wrapped my arm around Percy and helped him up. Artemis grabbed my arm and flashed us back on top of the cliff. 

"fuck" Percy moaned clutching his stomach. "Percy?" I asked concerned.  "I'm alright," he said. I helped Percy to the Infirmary and made him sit down on the bed. "Take your shirt off," I told him. Percy sighed and went to take off his cloak leaving him shirtless. I blushed at his toned figure. "well let's get this over with" I sighed looking at the bruises and scars on him.  I run my fingers over his ribs making sure he didn't break any.  I finished running my finger over the last rib and sighed in relief when he didn't have a broken rib. "well luckily for you, you don't have a broken rib" I told him. Percy sighed in relief and laid down on his bed. "How do you feel?" I asked him. "Like I jumped off a cliff," he said causing me to laugh. "I wish it would have killed me" he whispered. My eyes widened. 'I heard that wrong..Right?' "w-what d-did you say," I asked my voice laced with worry. "I said I wished I wouldn't have jumped," he said with a smile. " why? What did you think I said?" he asked. " I thought you said something stupid like usual," I said with a smirk. Percy gasped and put a hand on his chest. " I'm wounded by your cruel words" I laughed at his action "well you haven't said anything to prove me otherwise," I told him.  Percy crossed his arms and pouted"you're mean". I smiled at him and he smiled back. I wanted to just throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. Gods I need to tell him how I feel soon. I need to.

Betrayed| a Percy Jackson Fanfic *currently rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now