Chapter 28

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Thalia's POV
Artemis decided that she would accompany us to Camp Jupiter. Everything was starting to be good again. We're all one big family with our fair share of problems of course. Annabeth seemed to be thinking about something which made me curious. "What are you thinking about?" I asked her. "I've been thinking that End has been planning his attack for years," she explained. I looked at her confused hoping she'd elaborate more. Luckily she already started explaining "as soon as Percy went missing Daniel left at the same time. And I swear one time I walked into the cabin to talk to him and he had a shadow-like appearance. I think Daniel was someone End made to destroy us from the inside," I looked at her with wide eyes. "I know it seems far fetched but it would make sense on why Daniel seemed to disappear," "It actually would make sense because I think that the shadow like things are the ones controlling Percy and the others, they can to have any form they want and have the ability to control anyone they want. But how do we stop them?" I asked "maybe once we defeat End it'll destroy them," "let's just hope that's the case,"

We'd be at Camp Jupiter sometime tomorrow night. We've been walking for hours and a lot of the campers were starting to complain. We stopped when something flashed in front of us causing us to shield our eyes. When we brought our hands down we saw that Hestia and Poseidon were standing before us. "Thalia we really need your help," Poseidon said to me "what's going on?" I asked worriedly "I can feel Percy losing hope and I'm afraid that he'll be gone forever unless you find him," Hestia explained. "do you know where he's at?" I asked them "no, we don't sadly" Poseidon stated "thank you for telling me, I'll find him as soon as I can" they nodded and flashed out. "Where are you, Percy....?" I whispered. I glanced. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. It was Chiron. "We'll find him, Thalia," "I just wish there was a way we could track him," "Artemis do you think we could use the wolves and Mrs. O'Leary to track Percy?" I asked her. "I think we still some clothes Percy wore. She said searching through a bag. She grabbed a hoodie and Mrs. O'Leary smelled it. I got on top of her and pat her side "Alright girl take me to him, take me to Percy," she barked and ran causing me to hold on tightly before we disappeared into the shadows.

I felt like I was about to puke. I slowly got off of Mrs. O'Leary and groaned. I noticed we were at a beach but most importantly that Percy was here. I walked over to him and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry," he whispered "it was never your fault. End was controlling you," I explained. "I thought you hated me anyway,"
"I could never hate you, Percy, I love you so much," I saw Percy smile lightly. "I love you too Thalia," "c'mon let's go join the others," I said standing up "I don't think that's a good idea, Thalia," "why not?" "There's something evil inside of me just clawing it's way up. I don't think anyone is safe with me around" "Percy please just try to come back, no one will judge you if they do they'll have to deal with me," I said making him smile. "Ok I'll go back but only because I really missed you," Percy stood up with me and gave me a quick kiss before flashing us to where the campers and Hunters are.

As soon as we came into view Percy was immediately tackled into a hug by two little girls. "Hey girls," Percy said putting his arm around them. "You left without saying goodbye," Maria said into Percy's side. "I'm sorry girls," "We thought we weren't ever going to see you again," Alice said with a slight sniffle. Percy frowned and kneeled down and hugged them tightly. "I'm not going anywhere girls I'm here to stick around," Percy said making them smile. "But guess who's back?" Percy asked them with a grin. "Who?" Maria asked "the tickle monster," Percy said and suddenly started tickling them making them laugh "n-no s-stop," Alice said in between laughs. Percy smiled but it disappeared just as quickly. He stopped tickling them and let out a sigh before standing up and turning towards me "I can't be here, all I see from everyone is pity and sadness in their eyes," Percy said glancing back at everyone. "You promised you wouldn't go anywhere, are you really going to leave again?" "I don't really know Thalia, I killed Jason and hurt both you and Piper really bad. You say it wasn't my fault but what if she blames me. I just need to be alone right now," 
I grabbed Percy's hand and held it tightly "Percy I'm always here for you, no matter what but just promise me you won't do anything stupid and you'll be safe," "Always my love," Percy then kissed me and walked away from us. "Where's Percy going?" Maria asked me. "I honestly don't know," "he's going to come back right?" I just sighed and from that Maria already knew my answer. " he promised..." Maria said crying softly. I was about to say something but Maria ran into her tent.

Betrayed| a Percy Jackson Fanfic *currently rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now