Chapter 26

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Thalia's POV
"Thalia, it's time to burn Jason's shroud," Nico said kneeling down next to me. I decided to keep silent but nodded to let Nico know I was listening. I looked at my hands which were coated in Jason's blood. I was completely  devastated. I should've protected him, it should be me. Not him. But I failed him and I failed Piper. I wouldn't be surprised if she hated me now. I noticed Cassie walking towards me. "I'm so sorry Thalia, you're brother was a good man," "I don't know what to do..." I whispered "what do you mean?" "I told Percy I hated him when it quite the opposite, I love him so much Cassie and now I may have lost him forever" I explained "I'm sure Percy understands," Cassie said trying to reassure me. I just kept quiet and tried to hide the tears that were pooling in my eyes. "Oh Thalia...." she whispered and pulled me into a hug. I sobbed and hugged her back tightly. "End will suffer, I promise you that," she stated. I stood up with Cassie's help and we walked to where Jason's memorial was being held.

I almost broke down again when I saw Jason's body. I glanced at Piper who was sobbing into her hands. I walked over to her which caused her to look up from her hands. When she noticed it was me she through her arms around me and cried even more. "I'm sorry," I whispered to her. When I went to pull away piper just clutched me tighter. "It's not your fault," she whispered back. "I'm still so sorry" I whisper pulling away from her. The ceremony for Jason started soon after. Chiron explained  to the Campers about Jason's death. A lot of gasps rang out and I could feel everyone staring at Piper and I. I couldn't do this. I failed to protect Jason. I told Percy I hated him. I've lost everything. After we burned Jason's shroud I ran away from everyone and to the beach. I sat down on the sand clutching my knees. I'm a burden to everyone. I should just go away and leave. Footsteps on the sand pulled my from my thoughts. "Go away..." I muttered. "Thalia it's Nico. You just lost Jason and you shouldn't be alone right now." "Go away Nico" Nico open his mouth but I interrupted  "Just leave me alone! I don't want anyone to talk to me!" I yelled. I heard Nico let out a sigh. I laid my head down on my knees and cried.

Piper's POV
"Any luck?" Leo asked Nico. Nico shook his head which made Leo sigh in defeat. Leo sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I'm here for you Piper if you need to talk," I only nodded my head. I didn't feel like talking. I've lost Jason, the love of my life. One minute he was with me...then he wasn't. I felt sick to my stomach. I vowed to never fall in love with anyone else. Jason was the one for me, but now he's gone. I wanted nothing more then to run into my cabin and cry. I really just want to be alone but I know Leo wouldn't let me. "So what are we going to do now?" Nico asked "I think we should head to Camp Jupiter, it's safe there and we have no where to stay," Leo explained. "If we leave it's going to take us days to get there," Nico argued
"I know it's going to take a long time to get there but if End attacks again we'll be slaughtered," "Leo's right Nico, if we stay here we'll all be killed," I butted in. "Maybe you guys are right, when should we tell Chiron?" Nico asked "You should tell him now, then we might be able leave tomorrow," Nico nodded and left to find Chiron leaving Leo and I alone. "How you feeling?" Leo asked me. "What do you think?" I replied harshly. "I know you loved Jason but you're not the only who lost him, I lost my best friend,"

I looked down guiltily. I forgot I wasn't the only one Jason's death affected. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot I'm sorry Leo," I apologized. "It's ok... it's just none of this feels real, you know, " "yeah I feels like I was with Jason a minute ago and know he's gone," "Yeah..."
"I'm sorry Leo but I think I want to be alone right now," "oh I understand," I gave a light smile to Leo and walked into the woods to get away from everyone.

Betrayed| a Percy Jackson Fanfic *currently rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now