Chapter 19

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Thalia's POV

I woke up the next day curious on who I saw yesterday. I had no idea if they were friend or foe. Maybe they could lead me to Percy. I got dressed and went to leave my cabin but stopped to look at Jason's sleeping figure. It was nice that I'd finally be able to spend time with him. I woke up earlier than everyone else and made my way to the dock. I sat down and waited for the sunrise. "it's nice isn't it?" a familiar said. I looked behind me and saw Hestia standing behind me. "oh hey aunt Hestia" she came down and sat beside me. "You feeling any better?" She asked. "I think I'll be alright," I said to her. We sat in silence which was kinda nice. I must have sat here for a long time because when I turned to talk to Hestia I noticed she was gone. Well, I have been enjoying this sunrise for a little too much. Campers were coming out of their cabin and making there way towards the pavilion for breakfast. I was starving so food sounded really good right now. I stood up and walked towards the pavilion. I sat down at the Zeus table and asked the nymph for some eggs and toast when she came to our table.

Jason and Piper sat down while I was in the middle of eating. "What took you guys so long?" I asked with a grin as I had an idea on why they were late. "Uh...we um talked," Jason said sheepishly. "You're not a very good liar Jason," I said laughing at his reddened face. "Shut up" he moaned which made me laugh harder. "So Thalia, are you feeling any better?" Piper asked. "Yeah I've been feeling a lot better"
"That's good," She said with a smile.
"I need to tell you both something," I said which earned me worried glances, "I saw someone yesterday" "What did they look like? Was it Percy?" Jason asked. "I don't know, but do you guys think I should tell the council?" "I think you should Thalia. I mean what if they're a threat?" Piper said convincingly. She probably just charmspeaked me but none the less she was right. "Ok, I'll do it. Are you coming with me?" I asked both of them. "Just tell us when you're getting ready to head out," Jason said wrapping his arm around Piper.

"600th floor please," I asked the man at the front desk. "No such thing kid," he said not taking his eyes off the newspaper he was reading. "I'm pretty sure you don't want two children of Zeus in here too long because of monsters. So I recommend you give us the keys." The man went pale and handed us the key. "Thank you, kind sir," I said walking into the elevator. "Well, I'm surprised that work," Jason said as Piper and he followed me into the elevator. "I'm hurt that you doubted me," I said mock hurt. Jason just rolled his eyes with a smile. "You're overdramatic"

After what felt like hours we finally reached the 600th floor. We ran to the throne room and was met with a surprise. when we pushed open the throne room doors we saw the gods arguing. We walked into the throne room which alerted the Olympians of our presence. "Thalia, Jason what are you two doing here?" Father asked us. I took a deep breath before telling them "yesterday I saw a figure watching me yesterday. They were in a black robe and had red eyes," I explained to them. "Thalia next time you see this person I want you to alert us immediately, I fear we have a new threat approaching," Father said which made me worried. "Why? What's going?" I asked them. "Some souls have been taken out of Elysium," Uncle Hades said, "who's?" Hades sighed before continuing "Luke Castellan, Zoe Nightshade, Charles Beckendorf, and...Bianca" he said causing me to gasp. "Do you have any idea who took them?" I asked hoping they have an answer. "No, we don't I'm afraid" I had this uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I didn't like this one bit. "Well, what are we going to do?" Jason asked the Olympians "It's either we start to train the campers for war or we leave it alone," Athena said to all of us. "We'll do a vote," Father said to the council. "But there's 14 of us, so who will abstain?" Athena asked. Everyone looked at each other before Poseidon spoke "I'll abstain" "brother, are you sure?" Father asked him. Poseidon only nodded. "Ok, who says we do nothing," Father asked. Nobody raised their hand. "So it's decided. We'll prepare the campers for war" Father announced. I could tell everyone was worried. Hell, I was very worried. "Well, you tell the campers of both camps what's happing?" Father asked us.
"Of course," Jason said grabbing Pipers' hand and squeezing it comfortably. One by one all of the Olympians flashed out leaving Jason, Piper, and I standing all alone in the throne room. "What are we gonna do?" Piper asked Jason and I. "We're gonna do what they told us to do.we're gonna tell the campers" Jason told her. I let out a sigh. "C'mon, let's get out of here"

Jason, Piper, and I had no idea how we were going to tell the campers about the events the transpired. When we got to camp everyone gave us worried glances as we walked down the hill. "Everyone we have something to tell you at the pavilion, be there in 5 minutes" Jason shouted. We went to the pavilion and waited for everyone to be seated. We irised messaged Reyna over at Camp Jupiter so she and all of the other campers can hear the speech. "Campers we have some important news. The Olympians fear we have a new threat. Many souls were taken, those being Luke, Zoe, Beckendorf, and Bianca" Jason sighed before continuing the speech. "So we've been asked to prepare you all for war, All Cabin leaders meet us at the big house" Jason stepped down from the pavilion and I made my way to Nico.

He was being comforted by his boyfriend Will. "Are you ok?" I asked Nico. "I'll be ok...we'll meet you at the big house," he said. I hope he didn't do anything stupid. I was the last one into the big house and it seemed like everyone was waiting for me. "Sorry," I said taking my seat. "Now that everyone is here. Do any of you have any suggestions" Piper asked all of us. Annabeth stood up "we need to have a few people patrolling the border at night so we don't get a surprise attack" She wasn't wrong. I'd feel a lot safer with someone protecting the wall. Leo stood up next "we can make better artillery and more weapons for the campers to use." "Those are both good ideas and I agree that we should do both. But we also need more people to help train the campers" Jason explained. "What about Cassie?" I asked him. Jason gave me a confused look. "Who's Cassie?" I mentally facepalmed as a came to the realization he had no idea who she is. "Cassie is one of the 4 members of Chaos's assassins. They were sent on missions to help protect the universe from harm. They're the best fighters we got" I explained to them "how do you know this" Jason asked. "Because Percy is the leader of them," I said making everyone's eyes widened. " do you know where she's at?" Piper asked me "last time I checked she was with Apollo but we can always ask to have her flashed down when she's fully healed" I explained. "Ok, we'll all talk later"

Everyone nodded and got up and left except for Annabeth who walked up to us. "Do we have any idea who the potential threat is?" Annabeth asked. "When I was with Percy they kept saying something about one of Chaos's brothers but I don't know a name I'm afraid" 
Annabeth gave me a smile "that's ok, I'll do some research and see what I can dig up, talk to you later guys" she said running off. I turned to both Jason and Piper. "Hey, I'm gonna head out. I'll see you 2 later" we said bye to each other and I walked out of the big house. I needed a refresher from everything. I went back down to the beach and sat down on the hot sand. "Hey Thalia," a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Poseidon. "Hey uncle Poseidon," I said turning my attention back to the water. "How have you been?" He asked me.
"I've seen better days," I said honestly. "Haven't we all?" he said sitting down. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Am I not allowed to visit family?" I glared at him "You've been avoiding me like I have the plague" I said coldly. Poseidon sighed "I know, and I'm sorry. It's just... I miss my son. I know that's not an excuse. I'm sorry Thalia" he said looking down.
"I'm sorry too. It just hurt cause it seemed like you blamed me for him going missing."
"I never did blame you." "Good..." I trailed.
I looked at the waves that crashed onto the beach. "Maria misses you," Poseidon said which kinda surprised me. "I thought she was with the hunt" "I've been helping her with her powers so she's been coming to Atlantis for a few days every month," he made clear. We talked for a little while till the sun was almost completely set. "Well, I have to go," Poseidon said standing up. "Ok, we should do this again sometime," "Yeah we should" he agreed before Poseidon flashed away. I smiled and walked towards my cabin, ready for tomorrow.

1666 words
I felt like I deserved to give you all a longer chapter. I've been thinking of making my chapters longer from now on. However, if I do this then updates will be less frequent. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and found it interesting. but before I go let me know if you'd like longer chapters. Thank you


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