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"You're cold, you're scared. Cold, you're stressin'."

Your pov

I was getting ready to go to Finn's house. I wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans. I was only going there to make a new friend and to see what Finn was really like; nothing more than that. I rang on the doorbell and then he opened the door. Shit. He had no shirt on and he was only wearing shorts.

"Come in." He smirked as I tried not to look at him who was shirtless.

I walked in the living room to find out we were the only ones here and then turned around as Finn followed me.

"Why are you shirtless?" I raised one eyebrow.

"I undress to impress." He winked and came closer to me.

"No touching, remember?" I hopped back away from him who shook his head.

"You know one way or another I'll make you fall for me y/n l/n." He said.

"No you won't. That's not why I came here." I sighed.

Finn's pov

"You know one way or another I'll make you fall for me y/n l/n." I said.

"No you won't. That's not why I came here." y/n sighed.

WHY THE FUCK HASN'T THIS GIRL FALLEN FOR ME YET!? I never often say this about girls but she's a feisty one and the feisty ones are the best.

"What do you want to do?" I asked calmly slouching down onto the couch.

"I don't know. Maybe watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure."I said. "How about Fifty Shades of- -"

"Don't even say it because it's a no no." Y/n rolled her eyes and giggled after.

I chuckled a little; she was quite funny.

"Let's watch IT." She insisted.

"Definitely." I agreed.

"B-but can I maybe s-sit next to you closely? I'm scared of h-horror movies." Y/n looked nervous.

Sure. Maybe that would make her fall for me and I can get what I want. The process usually doesn't take this long to get a girl to like me.

We were an hour in the movie and we were on the part where Eddie nearly gets killed by Pennywise and y/n was clinging on to my t-shir-- wait, I didn't even have one on. She was holding onto me whilst I was shirtless. SCORE.

"Are you scared?" I asked, looking down on her.

"N-no. Pfft, no." She lied but I knew from her voice that she was.

A few minutes later she was already asleep on my lap and all I could hear was her snoring so I switched the movie off. She looked pretty cute and all but I didnt get what I wanted and plus I didn't want to wake the girl up.

Maybe next time Finn. You'll be getting it from doll next time, for sure. Next time.

Your pov

Bad boy • Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now