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It was still prom night. And Georgia and I were in all black outside of Lilia's house with spray cans, water guns and pocket knives. After everything Lilia's done to come between me and Finn, I can't deal with her bullshit anymore. I may be a bitch but atleast I'm not a hoe like Lilia.

"How do we get in?" I whisper shouted.

Georgia took a bobby pin out of her hair.

"I came very prepared." She smiled to herself.

She placed the bobby pin in the key hole and the door clicked open. I looked behind and from the looks of it Lilia's parents weren't home. We walked in and slowly shut the door behind us. We saw Lilia fast asleep on the couch. Her house was really pretty and modern... but not for any longer.

"Be quick." Georgia whispered.

I shook the spray cans and wrote "BITCH U IS A HOE" in red bold letters. Next to it I drew a penis and a tongue above it with Lilia's name in the tongue.

"That's so fucking cool." Georgia pointed to my work.

Georgia sprayed yellow swear words all over the couches and then whilst Lilia was asleep she sprayed blue letters on Lilia's body saying "slut".

"Let's go do her kitchen now." I whispered.

In her kitchen we wrote "this is the room where Lilia twerks on the apples" and then took the food out of the cupboards and threw them around until it was a total mess. We did every single room apart from Lilia's so we headed up there.

"Last roo-"

"Y/n? Georgia?" We heard from behind us.

It was Lilia.


"You'd better keep that itsy bitsy mouth of your shut." I walked over to her and pushed her. "Or..."

I got the pocket knife out and pointed it to Lilia's chin.

"Y/y-n, maybe we should leave." Georgia stuttered.

"No, George. Lilia needs a telling off. Don't you think?" I chuckled.

"Let me go!" Lilia screamed.

"No! You fucked my man when you KNEW he had a girlfriend! You fucking KNEW! Slag!" I cut into her shoulder a bit.

"STOP!" Lilia screamed.

I gave her one more cut on the other shoulder and then pushed her onto the floor.

"If you tell ANYONE, you'll be getting worse than cuts!" I spat in her face.

"C'mon, y/n/n, we gotta go!" Georgia was climbing out the window.

I followed after her as we both jumped out the window and landed on our backs.

"Owww." I moaned.


Georgia picked me up as we both ran back to mine.

-back at your house-

Georgia and I got back changed into comfy wear and just chilled.

"I literally wanna murder Finn." I sighed.

"He does love you." Georgia slightly smiled. "I can tell. You guys are really genuine towards each other."

"But he cheated on me. I'm not staying with that tart of a boyfriend. If he really loves me so much why did he do that?"

"He made a mistake."

"No shit. Look, let's just put Finn aside and sleep. I'm tired and this night has been so long." I yawned.

"Sure." Georgia laid down.

Georgia's pov

Y/n fell asleep before me. Don't get me wrong, I'm fuming at Finn. What a dicktard. I really like y/n. But she loves Finn. And I don't wanna come between them. I picked my phone up and opened Finn's contact.

Me: u really are a dickhead but I'm here to help u get ur girl back

Finn: she hates me

Me: Yh uh that's why I'm here to help

Finn: how?

Me: just come to McDonalds tomorrow at 3:30pm, I'll make sure y/n is there

Finn: will she know I'm coming

Me: no dumbass

Me: just don't screw this up and try your best please because if u hurt her again I stg

Finn: okay okay

Finn: and just remember it's also your fault, you were the one who kissed her

Me: well atleast I didn't do what you did

Me: now go away before I cancel helping u

Finn: ok ok

Me: btw where are u staying

Finn: Caleb's

Me: ok

Finn: c u there

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