Part 2 Chapter 3: Is This It?

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Warning: This chapter contains demonic stuff and only a little swearing. Just a little notice so I hope you stay warned and enjoy!!


"Jungkook!" I yelled and he looked at me as if he would burst into tears any second. I rushed towards him and embraced him in a warm hug while he let his tears flow without wanting them to stop, he was holding onto them for too long and I could feel it. They say matches are made in heaven, of course they are because the connection two soulmates have is beyond realms and impossible to break. Jungkook and I were the perfect examples. "Fuck. I thought you wouldn't come." He wouldn't stop crying and it broke my heart to witness him like this. "I could never...Don't even think about it."

"Okay If the couple drama is over, CAN WE GET TO THE FOOD SECTION PLEASE?!" She paused to look at me when I turned around, "Omigod, a man after my own heart! Jimin only if you were single...Taehyung, it's over and Jungkook excuse us while we go make out in the bathroom.." That earned the four of us a great laugh and so, I decided to tease Yoona a bit. "Now that you are late Ms Yoona, You ain't going near the buffet." Her eyes widened and her gaze went right through my flesh.
"Says the bride!"
I chased her around for a while until we all proceeded to the table where our families were bonding. Stealing gazing once in a while with Jungkook as I greeted my parents, we both sat beside each other on the table and ordered some appetizers. "So what is this event about gentlemen?" My father asked, his eyes scanning our body language. I felt really vulnerable since he is a psychologist and he could tell you that you were lying by looking at the birthmark on your forehead. "I think it's time..." I whispered to Jungkook and he got up to go in front of the table and invited me to join him. We both turned to face each other and I felt Jungkook descending on his knee. My joints were tensing with every move he made and I assume the same was going on with each and every person seated at the table. "Will you marry me Park Jimin?" Loud gasps escaped their mouths, their fired eyes glaring daggers at us. Happy tears trekked down my blushed cheeks as I aggressively nodded, "Yes!" He then took out a diamond ring from a small red velvet box and slid it into my ring finger and I kissed it while he stood up and hugged me. "We've been dating for a long time, dad."

"Jimin is this a prank?!" My mom got up, pushing the chair that fell to the floor soon after.
"No Mama, he's my bo- fiance. Officially." She then stomped her way to us and held Jungkook's collar, "What spell have you cast on my son?!" I pulled her back as Jungkook's family was froze with utter shock and disgust. "I think it's your son with the witchcraft, Mrs Park." Jungkook's father jolted up from his seat and fixed his son's shirt and by now I could picture the drama that was going to take place in the restaurant. But I am quite sure I could hear Taehyung repeatedly tell his companion, 'No Yoona' and honestly, I felt terrified right now because If Yoona was left loose, it's over. She'd never have intentions of hurting anyone but I didn't know about the demon residing inside her.  "Let's settle down and talk this out, everyone.." Taehyung tried his best to convince everyone but his words wouldn't land in anyone's ears. He then placed both of his hands sternly on his partner's shoulders as I stood there observing the well-anticipated fued. "Please listen to what Taehyung has to say..." and everyone went silent.

It was Yoona, no, the demon. Her voice was sweet and polite as always but it had a strange feel to it. The wind got wild as we were sitting in an open venue and the thunder wouldn't help either. "No Yoona.." Taehyung quietly stepped back and now I knew, he never experienced Yoona being so angry and he was agitated. "Listen. To. Him." Everybody was now back in their seats and it kind of gave us a chance to speak but Taehyung stood there silently, not flinching a limb. The most powerful thing that triggers her demons is Taehyung. She's crazily in love with him and she would do anything for him, being it committing a crime or making everyone around him happy. "Being in love with a man with my own choice isn't witchcraft dad...spells are powerless in front of true love. I would never be so confident and happy if it wasn't for Jimin, Yoona and Taehyung are a big part of it too, but a soulmate is a soulmate and mine is Jimin. If you are ready to accept us the way we are, then fine and if not," He then grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, triggering everyone even more, "I can't help but run away with my soon-to-be-husband."

"Fuck yourself you faggots." My elder cousin said and he was about to walk out of the place when "Oh...Calm down, little boy." Did I mention that she was super/mega/ultra/over-protective of us? "Maybe you turned them into faggots, you silly witch." She then took a tight hold of his throat, nails digging deeper into his skin. Blood trails made their way down his collarbone as she lifts him up in the air. "Leave him! You wick- I can't move!" My aunt was stuck in the chair and her legs didn't seem to move. "Yoona please...stop it." Taehyung held her hand that had grabbed my cousin and tried to break him free from her tight hold but she didn't even flinch. "I love you Taehyung-ah but he crossed the limit. It's merely a lesson that you should never insult Yoona's family." Her statements were now switched to third person references. I was touched by the fact that she thinks we are her family but I was also horrified that she might end up killing him. Not that the police could do anything anyway...

"Jungkook, Jimin...I would rather kill myself than let you stay in my household." 
"Sir, you might want to rephrase that sentence."
"I would nev-" 

My soon-to-be-father-in-law started coughing aggressively and I was surprised to see my fiance not going and hold his him. Child abuse could create so much hate that you would smile at the sight of the guilty dying, even if it was your own father. I gradually took his hand in mine and gave it a slight squeeze. "You knew she was a demon, Jimin?" Not able to find an answer, I slowly nodded. "Seeing this I know why you would keep it a secret." My attention was back to Yoona who made his aunt levitate in mid-air without even touching her. "Thanks for understanding." She quickly placed everyone in their seats and they were traumatized by what had just taken place. Her eyes were back to being neon and bright red and tattoos crept up her neck. "I haven't had this kind of fun in a while." Her canines were now longer and sharper as she crawled up the table with her newly appeared red heels. "Let's play a game."

"We...we...we're...not here fo...for ga-"
"Shhhh.." The thunders stop and the only natural thing around us was the recognizable and heavy wind...
"I am calling the police!" My mom yelled and started searching for her cell phone hurriedly.
"Can you find it?" Yoona's voice was terrifyingly polite. She then pulled out my mother's phone from out of nowhere and made it levitate. "I'm sorry Mrs Park but I feel like we should enjoy the get-together."
"C-call the hotel staff." As soon as my dad spit out those words, all the exit doors shut close and her eyes were equal to a blazing fire.
"I wanna play" She yelled making everyone almost cry from fear, they were shivering in their seats already. She then looked at us,"......Are you scared?"
"No," Jungkook said with a confident tone.
"Then let's start with you."

















"Who dies first?"

"Who dies first?"

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