Chapter 14: Auditions, Rina and Taehyung

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(Guys..Just to remind you, this was the past. That means the stuff that happened in the previous chapter was 4 months ago. Now the story will go back to the present when Rina's body was found hanging. If you haven't read the prologue, I suggest you go back and read so you can have a better understanding of the story.)


It's been 4 months since that incident but I solved it between Rina and me. It's been awkward but it's okay, I can forgive her.

She came to me with two hot chocolates as we were outside in the corridor, enjoying the cool breeze.

"Yoona, I need to talk to you.."

"Yes Rina?"

"I don't have a good feeling  about the auditions.."

"What do you mean? I am going!! I have been working 24/7 for months!"

"Do not go to the auditions Yoona." My blood boiled as she spoke those words.

"You will regret it." She continued.

"What?? Are you freaking serious???" I left her in the corridor and ran into my room. She kept screaming behind me. I wonder what is wrong with her? Why doesn't she want me go to the auditions?

I slept as I was thinking about what Rina said. I felt that I acted rudely towards her. I need to apologize..I am just too sensitive in case of auditions. I got up and went to her room. This is what best friends do right?

"Shit." I said as I entered her room. She was...hanging....from the ceiling fan.

"RINAAAAA!!!!" I screamed and all of the students came running to me including Taehyung. I almost lost my balance but Taehyung caught me right on time. I found a note on her side table. It was a suicide note...

"I am so sorry..but I am really feeling guilty for what I did. I don't deserve to live anymore. Stay happy Yoona! Good bye."

 Omg this is not true. I know Rina..She..she wouldn't sacrifice her life for such small things...

The principle came pushing the crowd and he was shocked..We called the ambulance and they took her body...

"Oh GOD!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!" I cried in Taehyung's arms, remembering all the happy moments we had. I will never forget you Rina!!!

"Handle yourself Ms Choi, you have to get ready for the auditions. Common." Taehyung took me to his room and placed me on the sofa. I starred at the ceiling for more than an hour..He came to me with a cup of tea...

"Baby..Here, I bought you your favorite drink!" He gave it to me, but the tears couldn't stop rolling down my face.

"First it was the nurse, second Rina...I will find you MOTHERFUCKER!!" I said without realizing anything.

"If I find you, I swear to God I will kill you and I don't care even if I get life imprisonment!" I was really angry.

"Baby calm down." Taehyung kissed my neck.

"Have some tea.." He gave it to me and I quickly drank it. He hugged my waist.

"Are you really gonna kill the person that killed the nurse and Rina??" He asked..Weird..

"Yes..I will." Taehyung started sweating. Something is off..

" find..h..him??" He was stammering.

"I will. Trust me, no criminal can hide after committing a crime." I said with confidence.

"Excuse me while I use the restroom Baby.." Taehyung got up and rushed to the restroom. What is wrong with him?? I need to find out...

 What is wrong with him?? I need to find out

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