Chapter 1: Keith's Birthday

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Oh great. My 10th freakin' birthday. It'll probably suck like always. I thought to myself. 3rd year with no parents and a new "lovely" couple to share it with. And with the final cherry on top, I'm turning 10. That means I can contact my soulmate,WHICH IS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER. Unless I'm DESTINED to be alone forever which would be nice. I then stopped thinking to myself and just went on my phone and played some games on my phone for a bit.

After hours on my phone, I looked at the time. "Oh wow." I started talking to myself. "Its almost 1 am and they still aren't home. They probably forgot my birthday." I then decided I should just leave that hell hole and be on my own. I spent the next 10 minutes packing food, water, and anything else I might need to survive as a run away child.

After I was done packing I realized I needed to get money and then remembed I had money saved up after a year. I took the box out from under my bed and opened it up. I counted it. $243.43. I took it all and stuffed it in my back pocket then left through the front door. I didn't look back.


I was having a dream about me meeting my soulmate. Even though I was 9, I was just told about my soulmate legend (that was obviously real). Then I woke up, more like sprang up, from my bed and my ankle was cut, and bleeding badly. "MAMÁ!" I yelled to my mom, waking her up, and making her in a state of panic. "¿ERES OK? DON'T TELL ME THERES A KILLA!" My mamá yelled in panic, and only half in spanish since I couldn't fully speak Spanish yet. "No, my soulmate tried to contact me!" I said with a large smile and showing her my bleeding cut on my ankle. "¡Novio! I think they hurt themselves!" She said. She then quickly left and then came back with a wet napkin and a band-aid. She cleaned off my cut and put a band-aid on it. "WE MUST HELP THEM MAMÁ!" I said, worried for them. She looked up at me. "We can't, we don't know where he is." she said with her thick hispanic accent. "Now go to bed bebé." she said. "Ok Mamá." I said, not wanting to be any trouble. I got comfy in my bed. Mamá then kissed me on the forehead goodnight and then shut off my light and door. She then headed back to bed.


(441 words)

Hope you liked the first chapter, it is short so sorrt about that but tell me if you like the story so far and yea thats it so have a good day. Bai :3

Soulmates- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now