Chapter 18: On the go

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What an asshole. I can't belive him. How the fuck is he still talking about being more open about our fucking relationship when I just said I still wasn't ready.

I was about to enter first period, until I decided just to skip class, and be away from Lance's stupid fucking face.

I ran out of the school quickly (kinda like Naruto) without the bus drivers that were still there noticing... somehow.

Once I'm out of the school I jist go to the park again. It calms me.

As I'm walking to the park I see the spot were Lance comforted me. I look at the spot for a minute, but then shake my head. Asshole.

I continue my way to the park.

Once I reached my destination, I sat on a bench and watched the birds.



I sat down in class and watched to see if Keith would come through the door since he wasn't there yet. He didn't come.

As the day went on, period after period, he didn't come.

Did he skip? I asked myself.

Once school was over I went to the park again, he was probably there.

I wemt home, dropped of my stuff, and then took my bike and rode to the park.

I saw someone sitting at the bench, feeding the birds.

I know that mullet! I thought. I got off my bike and went to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder."Keith, I-" I was a but shocked.

His face.

It wasn't Keith.

It was some random guy with a mullet feeding birds. I immediately took my hand off of his shoulder.

"I'm sorry sir, I thought you were someone else." I said, embarrassed.

"I figured that when you touched my shoulder." The man said. "No one ever is looking for me." The man then continued to feed the birds. I faintly heard him whisper "you birds are my only friends."

I quickly left the sad man and got on my bike. I went to his house to see if he was there.

I knocked on the door and Allura answered.

"Oh, hey Lance." She said.

"Do you know where Keith is?" I asked without hesitation.

"Yeah, he went with Shiro to Happy Kaltenecker (a/n: I don't know how big this frozen yogurt place is, but near me there is a frozen yogurt place called Happy Cow so yea)

"Thanks, bye!" I quickly left her and rode my bike to Happy Kaltenecker



"So, have you made a decision yet?" I heard Shiro ask as we sat down at a table.

I sighed. "I want to meet this girl." I said. "I assume that you will live with her."

Shiro gave me look; a suprised one.

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