Chapter 11: Movie Marathon

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We got to Keith's house and went straight to his room to hang out.

We sat on his bed and I decided it was best to flirt with him. That way, maybe I could get a kiss from him.

"Do you have a map, because I'm getting lost in your eyes." I said, smiling.

"You have a phone. Go use your GPS." He said a bit harshly.


"God, what was I saying?! I'm gonna ruin my little chance of every being with him!" I thought.

"I guess you are hard to get." He said smiling. "Told ya." I said back.

"If only he knew how I was feeling...." I thought.


We talked a bit more and then decided to go down stairs to watch a movie.

Lance chose the movie while I got popcorn. After about 5 minutes, I got the popcorn and Lance had chosen the movie.

We sat down next to eachother, and the movie started playing.


When the title popped up, Keith's face was priceless.

"I shouldn't have let you choose the movie..." He mumbled to me. "Well now you know not to make that mistake again." I said. "Lets just watch it anyways..." He said.



The two boys fell asleep during the movie, but Keoth was the one to knock out first, then Lance did a bit later.

Allura came out into the living room amd saw the two. "Awww!" she whispered to herself. She then proceeded to take pictures, like what any mom would do.


Around 10:30, Lance's phone started to ring.

Lance was a heavy sleeper, unlike Keith.

Keith bolted up and saw Lance's phone ringing. He saw it was his mom and decided to pick it up.

"Hello?" Keith answered, sounding sleepy.

The lady on the other end started speaking spanish, thinking it was Lance. When she was done talking,  Keith spoke again.

"Sorry Mrs. McClain, but this is Keith, not Lance. We were watching a movie and we fell asleep. The phone woke me up, but not him." Keith explained. He still sounded like he was half asleep, but he was wide awake.

"Oh, sorry Keith!" She responded. "Well, I was just calling to say that he can stay over becaise I'm too tired to drive!"

"That's fine, Shiro and Allura wont mind."

"Perfect! I'll pick Lance up around 1 pm tomorrow, okay?"

"That's fine."

"Okay, bye hun!"


Keith then hang uo the phone and then without even thinking, wrapped his arms around Lance's waist and snuggled up against him.

Lance couldn't help but wrap one of his arms around Keith's waist.

That made Keith bolt up.

"How long were you awake?!" Keith asked. "Only half way of your convestion with my mom." The brown haired boy anwsered.

"Well why didn't you say something?!"

"Because I didn't wanna disturb your conversation."

"Ugh... Fine, you get a pass this time...."

"Shouldn't I get a pass all the time?"


"Fine, but since we are both up, how about we watch another movie?" Lance suggested. "Fine, but I'm choosing." Keith said.

Keith chose a movie that he knew would hit Lance's weak spot.


The movie started playing and once it did, Ance immediately knew what it was.


30 minutes into the movie, Lance was already balling his eyes out, while Keith wasn't even close to shedding a tear.

Lance looked over at Keith, "How are you not crying?!?!"

"I just don't see how this movie is worth crying over" Keith responded.

"You're heartless." Lance said harshly.

"Yea, yea, say whatever you want." Keith said. "Let's just finish the movie."



"I can't believe how heartless he is. ... Or maybe he's experienced something sadder... like losing his parents..." I thought. I then quickly shook those sad thoughts out of my head.

Then, the scene when Jack and Rose kiss came on.

I looked at Keith and thought, "This is my chance..."

I went closer to him.

When I did that, he turned his head. His purple eyes met mine. I didn't hesitate.

I went closer to him.


I pressed my lips against his.

(691 words)

This chapter was short again, sorry. But anyways, I've had these past few chapters planned out since I started this book. Sadly, I have writers block and I couldn't put what was in my mind, into words. I'm not happy with this chapter but I really wanted to get more chapters out for you guys. Hopefully my writers block will fade away soon.

Second thing I wanted to mention was that I hit 1k reads! I'm so happy to have reached that milestone! But since I hit 1k reads, you guys can ask questions and I will choose 10...ish to anwser. Wellllpppp thats it, byeeeeeeee :3

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